I wish it were only dog rustling through my leaves! Peppy Le Pew has moved in. We have a battle of the wits going [I’m losing], I have to knock before going outside into my [well, now his] yard and he will then waddle under the shed while I let the dog out to do her business [dog afraid of skunk]. We go back in, he comes out and continues eating my fallen apples. What I need, is a Gorr solution! [wink]
Well, that stinks, Jynksie! The power of stink is a potent one, indeed. God help you if that skunk ever let loose in your yard or anywhere in your neighborhood. Gorr is a stinkpot, too, so it might be a toss-up on who’s smellier!
No need to bag ’em when Gorr’s there to snag ’em! 🙂
It’s all a carefully planned tactical maneuver, Tim.
Ooo I saw a pair of eyes. She should use a leaf blower to protect herself.
Leaf blowers are the Leaf Bandit’s kryptonite!
I want to say I wish the leaves in my yard would disappear in this manner, but I bet there is hi jinks later.
That’s not a pile of leaves, Julian, that’s stealth technology!
No where’s he go. Raked into nonexistence
He was just making a strategic withdrawal, Tony!
Gorr, you sneaky leaf bandit!
Say it again, he loves to hear it!
That made me giggle out loud.
Funny, if not a little creepy… 😀
Who would suspect an ordinary pile of leaves, anyway? Glad you liked it, Bill!
Faster than a drift, more powerful than a gust, able to leap tall hydrants in a couple of bounds and a limp, it’s the leafo bandito.
With powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal dogs!
Someone is always watching from the leaves…that is why it is important to clean up.
Makes you think twice about diving into a pile of leaves!
I wish it were only dog rustling through my leaves! Peppy Le Pew has moved in. We have a battle of the wits going [I’m losing], I have to knock before going outside into my [well, now his] yard and he will then waddle under the shed while I let the dog out to do her business [dog afraid of skunk]. We go back in, he comes out and continues eating my fallen apples. What I need, is a Gorr solution! [wink]
Well, that stinks, Jynksie! The power of stink is a potent one, indeed. God help you if that skunk ever let loose in your yard or anywhere in your neighborhood. Gorr is a stinkpot, too, so it might be a toss-up on who’s smellier!
That will make the Leaf Bandit very happy to hear, P.J.!
Love the new banner! It especially looks amazing with the comic!
Appreciate that, Chris. I got some new brushes and effects I’ve been playing with in PS.
That’s one way to make leaves disappear 😉
Have leaves, will travel.
Now THAT’S my kind of leaf pile! A pile that leaves!
That’s not a pile of leaves, Joseph, it’s a tactical formation!
That would make a great halloween costume. Get that into the store Mark!
I’m sure I can rake up plenty of inventory, Gruhn!
Gorr would be in high demand if he ate all the leaves!
Well, he does eat a lot of sticks, already!
I had a pile of leaves disappear like that… and here I thought it was the city’s leaf vacuum truck…
I wonder how many leaf bandits they find when they empty those trucks out…?
He has become one with the leaves. 🙂
He’s a zen leaf master.
He could do well as a leaf lawn service!
As long as there are no cats in the yard…