More thanks for you wonderful folks who supported and helped spread the word about the Zombie Boy Comics Kickstarter: Paul Bowler, Crispin Wood, Kirk Spencer, Jack Slade, Christina Wald, Dwaas, Miguel C. Hernandez, J.J. Sandee, Sam Dealey, Eric Hews, Wesley Hall, Jason Salas, Byron Wilkins, Dawn Griffin, Philippe Conway, Sarah Roark, Joe Gillespie, Chris Gobbett, Phil Oliveria, John Adams, Nye Warburton, Adrian Ropp, Kambrea and Thom Pratt, Matt Cole, Kelly Tindall, Charles Dowd, Mike Hearn, Nathan Rackley, Pat Nietupski, Flodo Span, Jeff Couturier, David Craig, Krishna M. Sadasivam, Rich Clabaugh, Travis Blair, Carlos R. Gomez, Mark Walters, Jim Haas, Raven Perez, Luke P., Brendan Boughen, Jonard La Rosa, Paul J. Still, Vas Littlecrow, Mark Toner, Joe Koffee, Dust Bunny Mafia, Annie Biggs, Rob Overend, Betsy Brock, J. Cebron Cook, Mark Largent, Jorine, Jerry Stefan, Don Mangus, Drea Hatch, Martha Crimson, Nicky Mortlock, and Alejandra Gamez, among many, many others!