Wow, thanks so much! This is the kind of comment webcomickers live for! I just haven’t looked into Go Comics, but you’ve got me thinking about it now. I really appreciate you taking time to comment, and for your very encouraging words. Feels like my birthday!
It’s not always good to try new things…
Curiosity would kill this cat if it wasn’t already dead.
Seize ya salad & eat it while it’s fresh
Don’t mind that horrifically painful burning sensation. It’ll go away in a few years…
I hope ZB never looks at me with that expression in panel two!
Creepy, huh? And I had to draw that, too!
Probably a little like oregano.
With a little extra kick!
Hmmm, Gympie-Gympie salad with a cyanide topping. It’ll be a hit. 8)
Yeah, a hit squad!
I know a few people that salad could be tossed for! [muah-HA-ha]
It’s a salad that eats you back, Jynksie!
Well, I can’t top that one! [ahh-brah-VOH]
That’s a way to get Morgan to eat his veggies! Too many brains in your diet will give you a big head :OP
He’s allergic to brains, anyway…
Adds a little kick to a salad.
And to any portion of your skin unfortunate enough to come into contact with it!
Ahaha! Love the title Mark.
Thanks, P.J. You probably won’t find that green on any salad bar.
It’s good to see the evil side once in awhile. Nothing is more fun then pulling the wings off butterflies or giving someone a hot foot 🙂
He’s not bad, he’s just penciled, inked and colored that way! Ok, no he’s bad…
I bet it’s better than a scotch bonnet pepper!
At least with scotch bonnet pepper, you get to keep your lips.
Probably a bit bitter! 😉
It’ll bring tears to your eyes. And blisters to your flesh.
We offer a choice of salad with dinner… Garden, Ceasar, and enduring pain… although you must sign a waiver to order the third!
Salmonella is the least of your worries!
Painfully good.
I can feel the heat in this strip!
It may not be your first salad, but it’ll probably be your last.
Or in a burrito? Or enchilada?
Nothing says spicy hot like a Gympie-Gympie enchilada platter.
I know some people who consider any salad to be painful!
Me too, he says, raising his hand.
Revenge is a dish best served as salad.
Forget the entree, you won’t live past the appetizer.
Stumbled across this strip a few days ago and fell in love. I went back and read every strip and am now addicted. Why is this not on Go Comics ????
Wow, thanks so much! This is the kind of comment webcomickers live for! I just haven’t looked into Go Comics, but you’ve got me thinking about it now. I really appreciate you taking time to comment, and for your very encouraging words. Feels like my birthday!