HeR lizard is incomparably cute.
Her bite is worse than her bark!
Honesty is the best policy! Just not always the friendliest…
Honesty isn’t doing you much good when you have to sleep on the couch.
Good point. Wait, what was the point?
I’m sorry, did you say something?
Think of it this way, you can say anything you want.
He’ll probably hear the things she really doesn’t want to be common knowledge.
I wanted a pet lizard on a leash 🙂 But all I got for my birthday was a spider on a string. The darn think pulls like crazy and won’t learn the heal command.
That must be an awful big spider, J.P.!
Morgan and I have two things in common. The lack of being able to pay attention and owning Lizards over four feet long! 😀
You two are like two eggs in a clutch!
Uh oh – pink lizard hallucinations!
That hallucination can eat 80 percent of its body weight in a single feeding! Hope you’re not seeing double!
Good for secrets, not so good for empathy.
Empathy is a word Zombie Boy has never empathized with before.
Morgan simply said what most men think though. You can think what you like around women but it’s not until you say it that you get in trouble
Less said, best said, Tony!
Nice komodo dragon too Morgan
She’s not a very good conversationalist but she does command attention.
XD. This made me LOL
Happens all the time!
He should be in politics!
I heard that! (I mean, I really did).
What? Who? You talkin to ME?
Your lips move, but I don’t care what you’re saying….
Well that’s one way of being a secret-keeper!
You have to actually hear the secret first!
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HeR lizard is incomparably cute.
Her bite is worse than her bark!
Honesty is the best policy! Just not always the friendliest…
Honesty isn’t doing you much good when you have to sleep on the couch.
Good point. Wait, what was the point?
I’m sorry, did you say something?
Think of it this way, you can say anything you want.
He’ll probably hear the things she really doesn’t want to be common knowledge.
I wanted a pet lizard on a leash 🙂 But all I got for my birthday was a spider on a string. The darn think pulls like crazy and won’t learn the heal command.
That must be an awful big spider, J.P.!
Morgan and I have two things in common.
The lack of being able to pay attention and owning Lizards over four feet long! 😀
You two are like two eggs in a clutch!
Uh oh – pink lizard hallucinations!
That hallucination can eat 80 percent of its body weight in a single feeding! Hope you’re not seeing double!
Good for secrets, not so good for empathy.
Empathy is a word Zombie Boy has never empathized with before.
Morgan simply said what most men think though. You can think what you like around women but it’s not until you say it that you get in trouble
Less said, best said, Tony!
Nice komodo dragon too Morgan
She’s not a very good conversationalist but she does command attention.
XD. This made me LOL
Happens all the time!
He should be in politics!
I heard that! (I mean, I really did).
What? Who? You talkin to ME?
Your lips move, but I don’t care what you’re saying….
Well that’s one way of being a secret-keeper!
You have to actually hear the secret first!