Bandit Days
Wow, I was completely taken aback by the overwhelmingly positive feedback I got from these Leaf Bandit strips. I hadn’t planned on going too far with it, but I’m considering a few more strips with this concept. Thanks everyone for your nice comments and enthusiastic responses!
Rain will certainly put a damper on leaf bandit activities!
Wet, soggy leaves are not much of a camouflage!
Poor Gorr. Bless him; he stayed until there was only one solitary leaf on him. Now that’s dedication!
It’s hard to give up on the dream!
Love the the little demon in the first panel!
If it looks a little familiar, it’s supposed to represent Gorr’s inner devil…
Hmmm, the smell of wet dog and leaves must be epic.
A smell that will be remembered for eons!
He’s more like a Mulch bandit now 🙂
The Muculent Marauder!
Rain in general probably decreases your chances of banditry… what bandit wants to get wet, anyway?
Leaf Bandits prefer dry, crisp leaves over wet, mushy ones any day!
leaf bandit gets discouraged to quickly its been raining here for a entire summer long!
An entire summer of rain? What’s up with that?
maybe i shouldnt have done a raindance the entire winterlong to get it to snow :S
That must have been one powerful rain dance, Bob. You just traded wet water for frozen water!
Soggy leaves are a pain to rake too.
Dry leaves you can work with, but wet leaves aren’t good for much of anything, really.
If there is one thing worse than a wet dog, its a wet dog covered in wt leaves! o.O #AaAHHhHHcchhhooOoo
Wet dogs covered with leaves need love too!
I agree with Hjortur, I love the smiley devil in the first panel! Nice one Mark!
I’ll keep that in mind the next time Gorr is up to no good!
Don’t worry, Bandido, the rain’ll come out tomorrow! Bet yer bottom dollar on that. 😀
It’s always a day away!
Gorr needs a waterproof tarpaulin to cover his leaf pile
Like any canine Gorr suffers from a bad case of spontaneity.
Gorr needs to use waterproof glue!
He needs a Bandit survival kit.
Gorr is becoming one of my favorite characters!
That’s nice of you to say, Aaron! I can’t seem to stop myself from writing more Gorr strips. He’s so fun to write!
Awww… thwarted by rain! Let’s hope better Bandit days will come soon 🙂
I hope so too, Marieke. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for Leaf Banditry!
I don’t know why, but I love this leaf bandit series.
I’m happy you do, Saeed, it’s getting a lot of good response. I guess it’s growing on me too, got more strips planned.
A little sad in that Peanuts sort of way. I mean it has a big compliment. Well done.
Thanks Frank. I can’t think of fall strips without thinking about Schulz.
Gorr is so lovable!
I’m glad you like him Jenn! Makes me feel good.
A soggy pile of leaves is no fun.
And they’re immune to a leaf blower!