That’s pretty good camouflage – he must have slept like a (very small) log. Awesome stuff Mark – I’m loving the colours and the tiny world perspective with this one
I was walking down a leaf covered sidewalk yesterday and I was imagining what that might look like to these bugs. It would be like walking through giant canopies of leaves, it was a lot of fun thinking about it. I’m enjoying these bug strips because it does let me play with new perspectives (although I was never very good at drawing it). I’m pleased you like them, Matt.
Now that’s deep undercover!
They almost never found him!
We found him, and it looks like he is ready to fight!
He’s wearing his war grub face!
No one will ever find me under this twig bark!
Up and ready for beetle!
um… I mean battle! ๐
First that grub’s gotta get his grub on!
He’s all prepared for ‘war’!
And breakfast!
Okay now everyone else needs to go log in.
Ha, that’s about the first thing I do every morning!
That’s pretty good camouflage – he must have slept like a (very small) log. Awesome stuff Mark – I’m loving the colours and the tiny world perspective with this one
I was walking down a leaf covered sidewalk yesterday and I was imagining what that might look like to these bugs. It would be like walking through giant canopies of leaves, it was a lot of fun thinking about it. I’m enjoying these bug strips because it does let me play with new perspectives (although I was never very good at drawing it). I’m pleased you like them, Matt.
Somewhere is a disappointed bird…
Shhh! Don’t use the “b” word around bugsรขโฌยฆ!
Scared ya! ๐
heh, heh.
A “surprise attack” if I ever saw one!
BTW kudos on how cute you drew him! I feel like pinching his cheeks ๐
Ha, that’s exactly how I designed him. A bit of the Pillsbury dough boy thing there, too!
That is quite the intimidating and useful little camouflage hat.
Strikes terror, doesn’t it?
Bug is a bit log-headed in the morning.
That tree is hugging him!
I’m calling this adventure Journey To The Center of The Mulch ๐
Haha, I love the Jules Verne (Fern) reference, J.P.!
No bird stands a chance against the Battle Beetle!
The War Grub will take no prisoners!
He’s their stealth commando!
You can never hear a caterpillar coming!
Good hiding place and a nice place to sleep all in one! ๐
Snug as a… well, you know…
And his log helmet even has horns for head butting. Handy if he has to fight off a goat. Or if he decides to become a Viking
I sense a new storyline, Tony… Legendary Tales of the Norsbugs!
Hey, hey,
Hey, hey, hey,
Norsebug, norsebug man
He’s got to be a norsebug man
Norsebug, norsebug man
He’s gotta be a norsebug
That there is a theme song as bold as a Viking, Tony!