I love this series, Mark. You could do a whole print book of these. It’s making me want to read Sun Tsu’s book. Looking forward to more of the Leaf Bandit and the Twig Brigand! <3
The fall is quickly running out, Jande. I may have to postpone the battle until next season, but I do plan to collect these strips eventually. So glad you enjoy them, thanks for the encouraging words.
Discussion (37) ¬
Ooh. Using mental powers. Nice. 🙂
A staredown for the ages.
That bird sure fights dirty. 8)
Dirty bird!
wax on, wax off and all that stuff! 🙂
Look eye! Always look eye!
Heh. It seems everyone won. A nap is it’s own reward…
There are no losers here, only snoozers!
An evil eye beat two in the bush.
I prefer to think of it as the eye that does not sleep.
Now is the time for tickle torture! 😀
No! Not tickle torture!!
I am in love with that hat/helmet lol! He’s unstoppable!! I need to sit under this great dose of wisdom too!! Awesome <3
I don’t know how much wisdom you can get from a bird brain, but that helmet does have a certain je nais c’est quoi!
errr… from a french speaking person: i think you’re trying to say “je ne sais quoi”…
Thanks for correcting that. It’s all Google’s fault!
I never realized Zombie Bird had what it takes to defeat the Leaf Bandit!
Actually, the Sandman defeated the Leaf Bandit, but I’m sure the Brigand will accept full credit!
That’s one epic staring contest! 😀
It’s all in the peepers, Marieke!
So boring your enemy to sleep is a good tactic.
Maybe they should’ve played a rousing game of checkers.
For Sun Tzu’s book, “The Art of Gorr”.
A great book to paw through!
That dog could only look like that in panel four if the bird is scratching his chest.
Colleen, that’s his snooze position. You can also see it here. Of course, chest scratching can’t hurt…
Size and power are in the eye of the beholder.
Big warriors can come in economy size packages.
That’s why I would never be any good on a stakeout. If I get bored enough, I crash. 🙂
I bet Methuselah slept a lot too. Bet he would have loved an XBox.
Zombie Bird sure has a powerful stare. I thought only wives had such power…
A good stare transcends gender and species.
Lies, Prudent Lies!
Don’t let Sun Tzu hear you say that!
I love this series, Mark. You could do a whole print book of these. It’s making me want to read Sun Tsu’s book. Looking forward to more of the Leaf Bandit and the Twig Brigand! <3
The fall is quickly running out, Jande. I may have to postpone the battle until next season, but I do plan to collect these strips eventually. So glad you enjoy them, thanks for the encouraging words.