You know your in bad shape when even the clouds start curing you.
Mother Nature’s got a temper too!
I knew that curse cloud would burst! 🙂
Too much execration precipitation! (I had to look it up, too).
Pour Gorr! 🙂
All bad things must come to an end. Haha “Pour.”
Awe.. Poor Gorr.. They even have nature spinning on a top lol!
Even nature is not immune to the Curse Curse.
I guess when you say something bad in conversation, things will go down!
When bad things go up, bad things go down.
Ha ha ha, cursing up a storm… been through some of those before!
This is based on an actual event. Well, except for the twin lightning bolts.
Hahah! So awesome! Will this cloudburst cure the Curse of the Curse?! Stay tooned! ;`) (see what I did there?)
Very slick, Jande! Curse of the Curse has a nice ring to it, too!
Thanks for pandering to my overweened need to be an attention-*ho*, Mark. lol
What’s a little attention between admiring friends? Freely given and with much esteem.
Who knew such filthy mouths could clean up real well.
Too bad it didn’t wash away the curse!
Its raining curses, Halleluiah! [grin]
Curses are only good if you share them!
So how does that work? Is everything cursed now?
I don’t know. I’m still writing.
Curses, rain!
And vice versa!
Definitely a case of “For every action there is an equal & opposite reaction”. Who would’ve ever guessed that Mr Newton helped write your comics Mark???
Never met the man, Tony. Probably just a case of like minds…
Curse words raining. That’s what apocalypse must look like when it starts. 😯
At least it will be fun to watch!
The Gods must be crazy!
Or cranky!
What goes up must come down.
In this case it came down hard!
In time…anger should always wash away.
One can only hope!
The crap- er…. curse hit the fan!
Something big and black hit it, that’s for sure!
I love the last panel. The rain effect is awesome!
Thanks, Miguel, I was trying to keep it simple.
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You know your in bad shape when even the clouds start curing you.
Mother Nature’s got a temper too!
I knew that curse cloud would burst! 🙂
Too much execration precipitation! (I had to look it up, too).
Pour Gorr! 🙂
All bad things must come to an end. Haha “Pour.”
Awe.. Poor Gorr.. They even have nature spinning on a top lol!
Even nature is not immune to the Curse Curse.
I guess when you say something bad in conversation, things will go down!
When bad things go up, bad things go down.
Ha ha ha, cursing up a storm… been through some of those before!
This is based on an actual event. Well, except for the twin lightning bolts.
Hahah! So awesome! Will this cloudburst cure the Curse of the Curse?! Stay tooned! ;`) (see what I did there?)
Very slick, Jande! Curse of the Curse has a nice ring to it, too!
Thanks for pandering to my overweened need to be an attention-*ho*, Mark. lol
What’s a little attention between admiring friends? Freely given and with much esteem.
Who knew such filthy mouths could clean up real well.
Too bad it didn’t wash away the curse!
Its raining curses, Halleluiah! [grin]
Curses are only good if you share them!
So how does that work? Is everything cursed now?
I don’t know. I’m still writing.
Curses, rain!
And vice versa!
Definitely a case of “For every action there is an equal & opposite reaction”. Who would’ve ever guessed that Mr Newton helped write your comics Mark???
Never met the man, Tony. Probably just a case of like minds…
Curse words raining. That’s what apocalypse must look like when it starts. 😯
At least it will be fun to watch!
The Gods must be crazy!
Or cranky!
What goes up must come down.
In this case it came down hard!
In time…anger should always wash away.
One can only hope!
The crap- er…. curse hit the fan!
Something big and black hit it, that’s for sure!
I love the last panel. The rain effect is awesome!
Thanks, Miguel, I was trying to keep it simple.