Thanks, Vince. I’m always looking for a simple and easy way to fill in the backgrounds on these winter strips. I see this same effect in the trees in my neighborhood.
Sounds like somebody needs a dose of big, red Truggz! If that chant doesn’t work, I don’t know what will! Last winter was huge, with lots of Truggz, this one seems to be getting smaller and smaller…
The prophecy of the snowbird is complete!
Never count your snow monsters before they’ve hatched!
What the heck did just hatch?
What? You’ve never seen a baby ice monster before?
Ah, of course… uh, I wasn’t wearing my glasses *cough*
It’s ok, Nef. I didn’t know what one looked like either, until I drew one!
It’s a snowmageddon miracle.
It’s either a miracle or something Solstice read in one of those old magick tomes her aunt keeps up on that top shelf…
Awesome! I was hoping you were going to do this. 😉
So was Solstice!
Gotta Love Gorr!
You never know where he might pop up!
He hatched!
Well, something did!
Whoa, He’s got a little friend… or little fiend.
Yes on both!
The snow monsters are hatching . . . THE SNOW MONSTERS ARE HATCHING!!
You can say that again!
Way to break the ice!
Somebody had to take the first step!
I’m frozen with fear!
A heating blanket might help!
What if that little Ice Imp decides Gorr is it’s mommy?
They don’t look a thing alike!
So, babies are not known for making sound decisions.
Gorr might be imprinted on that little ice brain by now…!
he has a head for this kind of thing doesn’t he?
He’s using his egg noggin.
Love the simplified and utterly effective way you handled the background trees in this one, Mark.
Thanks, Vince. I’m always looking for a simple and easy way to fill in the backgrounds on these winter strips. I see this same effect in the trees in my neighborhood.
It’s the ice bird!
There’s plenty more where that came from!
Gorr has monsters on the mind!
He’d rather not, honestly!
Oh, I was expecting a Snow Trugg but Gorr & Zombie Bird are always nice to have around too. A Snow Trugg would’ve been nicer though…
Snow Truggs Snow Truggs are you near?
I will be happy if you appear
Snow Truggs Snow Truggs are you there
Show yourselves now if you dare!!!
Maybe the Snow Trugg chant will work
Sounds like somebody needs a dose of big, red Truggz! If that chant doesn’t work, I don’t know what will! Last winter was huge, with lots of Truggz, this one seems to be getting smaller and smaller…
Talk about brain freeze!
But Gorr seems to revel in it! :O)
It’s a surprise gift!