Squeaky toys are all dog’s weaknesses… <– that's actually a word.
What dog could resist a 50 foot squeaky toy?
My dog is attracted to squeaky toys the same way. For her they are almost as compelling as a food treat. She always comes running when I call her using the squeak.
“Squeeka” is the siren call of canines!
It’s a trap!
A big, softy, squeezable trap!
The universal distraction of the universe.
He may be a Space Ranger, but he’s still a dog!
My squeeka!
Just try to take it away! Go on, I dare ya!
hahaha looks like the enemy has tricks up their sleeves!
If it’s too good to be true, it probably is!
Evil genius!
Playing on his basic instincts like that! Incorrigable!
Is that the Vulcan Squeak Grip that Gorr’s using?
Live long and squeeka!
Unfair squeaky toy use!
They’re awful sneaky with that Squeeky!
Where is Admiral Ackbar screaming “It’s A Trap!” when you need him?
He kinda looks like a squeaky toy himself!
“Squeeky Toy Wars – Episode 17”
Somewhere in a squeaky toy box far, far away…
Those rascals are not bird brains!
Maybe not, but they still bob their heads when they walk.
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Squeaky toys are all dog’s weaknesses… <– that's actually a word.
What dog could resist a 50 foot squeaky toy?
My dog is attracted to squeaky toys the same way. For her they are almost as compelling as a food treat. She always comes running when I call her using the squeak.
“Squeeka” is the siren call of canines!
It’s a trap!
A big, softy, squeezable trap!
The universal distraction of the universe.
He may be a Space Ranger, but he’s still a dog!
My squeeka!
Just try to take it away! Go on, I dare ya!
hahaha looks like the enemy has tricks up their sleeves!
If it’s too good to be true, it probably is!
Evil genius!
Playing on his basic instincts like that! Incorrigable!
Is that the Vulcan Squeak Grip that Gorr’s using?
Live long and squeeka!
Unfair squeaky toy use!
They’re awful sneaky with that Squeeky!
Where is Admiral Ackbar screaming “It’s A Trap!” when you need him?
He kinda looks like a squeaky toy himself!
“Squeeky Toy Wars – Episode 17”
Somewhere in a squeaky toy box far, far away…
Those rascals are not bird brains!
Maybe not, but they still bob their heads when they walk.