now THATS a sneeze! bless you GorrX3 *offers Gorr a kleenex*
Gorr ate your Kleenex with a smile, differ!
That Choo packs a punch!
A sneeze heard round the world!
God bless you, Gorr. Don’t tell Vampa I said that! 😉
His ears are burning right now, I bet, lol!
I take Zyrtec for that.
Not sure Zyrtec works for demon dogs…
Get that guy some Kevlar Kleenex!
Haw, that might just work, Julian!
Allergies can make beautiful art Mark.
I’m glad you like it, David. Who knew chaos could be so lyrical…
Thanks, J.P.!
I’ve had sneezies like that and have thrown my back out while having one! …I feel the intensity there, i really do! [grin]
You weren’t kidding when you said you have some bad allergies, Jynksie!
And that was the day Gorr discovered his super power… Mark, your signiture was a great touch to this one. 🙂
Nothing can withstand a Gorr sneeze!
Well, so much for breaking the fourth wall, and third and second and ……
I broke the fourth panel before, now I’m disintegrating it.
That’s one way to spread more dandelions.
To the next continent!
Who knew how easy it is to damage cartoon panels? Careful ‘toonin’!!
No flimsy panel border can withstand a devil dog sternutation!
A panel-busting sneeze!
A Category Five sneeze!
Heeeee, I do so love playing with panels!
I had fun disintegrating these, Michael!
Darned! You had to break the fourth wall the day I didn’t take my allergy medicine!
I don’t think Gorr took his, either!
Wow… shattering the borders takes some force!
Super sinuses!
That sneeze was so hard, Gorr got some on me!
And here I always thought comics were only a visual medium!
That was pretty darn awesome! Really, really liked it. Really, really felt like that this past weekend, too.
Spring and pollen are in the air, so this means war on your sinuses! I’m glad you liked the strip, Eric! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Huh! That’s me this last two months! I sympathise, Gorr!
I read your recent blog post about that, Jande. Hope this strip didn’t hit too close to home!
Definitely breaking the 4th wall. Like the way Gorr sneezed your name away too
Gorr completely annihilated that fourth wall, Tony!
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now THATS a sneeze! bless you GorrX3 *offers Gorr a kleenex*
Gorr ate your Kleenex with a smile, differ!
That Choo packs a punch!
A sneeze heard round the world!
God bless you, Gorr. Don’t tell Vampa I said that! 😉
His ears are burning right now, I bet, lol!
I take Zyrtec for that.
Not sure Zyrtec works for demon dogs…
Get that guy some Kevlar Kleenex!
Haw, that might just work, Julian!
Allergies can make beautiful art Mark.
I’m glad you like it, David. Who knew chaos could be so lyrical…
Thanks, J.P.!
I’ve had sneezies like that and have thrown my back out while having one! …I feel the intensity there, i really do! [grin]
You weren’t kidding when you said you have some bad allergies, Jynksie!
And that was the day Gorr discovered his super power…
Mark, your signiture was a great touch to this one. 🙂
Nothing can withstand a Gorr sneeze!
Well, so much for breaking the fourth wall, and third and second and ……
I broke the fourth panel before, now I’m disintegrating it.
That’s one way to spread more dandelions.
To the next continent!
Who knew how easy it is to damage cartoon panels? Careful ‘toonin’!!
No flimsy panel border can withstand a devil dog sternutation!
A panel-busting sneeze!
A Category Five sneeze!
Heeeee, I do so love playing with panels!
I had fun disintegrating these, Michael!
Darned! You had to break the fourth wall the day I didn’t take my allergy medicine!
I don’t think Gorr took his, either!
Wow… shattering the borders takes some force!
Super sinuses!
That sneeze was so hard, Gorr got some on me!
And here I always thought comics were only a visual medium!
That was pretty darn awesome! Really, really liked it. Really, really felt like that this past weekend, too.
Spring and pollen are in the air, so this means war on your sinuses! I’m glad you liked the strip, Eric! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Huh! That’s me this last two months! I sympathise, Gorr!
I read your recent blog post about that, Jande. Hope this strip didn’t hit too close to home!
Definitely breaking the 4th wall. Like the way Gorr sneezed your name away too
Gorr completely annihilated that fourth wall, Tony!