Sage humor indeed!
I think she may need a lot more sage!
well, maybe just a “smudge” more.
Haha, yes! Here’s smoke in yer eye, ZB!
She can also check the smoke detectors!
There’s no telling how many evil spirits might be hiding in those!
I thought it was a volcano science project.
That would work too! How many evil spirits want to hang around an exploding volcano?
Excellent work with Zombie Boy’s body language in the last panel. 😀
Thanks, Bill! It’s fun to let the pose tell the story.
Smoking is bad for your health Morgan
Zombie Boy is immune to health!
Oh yeah I forgot Zombie = Dead
It’s ok, old habits like living are hard to break…
Wow! I never realized sage would be so effective against Zombies… need to store that tid bit away for future reference if the zombie apocalypse comes!
You’re gonna need a LOT more sage, Jerry!
That’s some sage advice!
The sagest!
If they purge the house of evil spirits, wouldn’t that be like making Morgan’s relatives move out?!? …cause if it is, I’d like to book them for a little purging round here! [grin]
I have a few evil spirits in my family, too!
That sage is powerful stuff.
It smells good too!
Hey, burning hay works!
I know I don’t like to be around when hay is burning!
Smoked out of his own house! He should have put up no-smoking signs!
Something tells me that wouldn’t have stopped Claustria, anyway…
Do you have anything that will bring some spirit to the place?
Things will liven up, just let Claustria get in the house!
It stinks to have friends like that. Literally.
Stinks to high heaven, if you ask me!
I’m seeing some bad smoke signals here.
Some of those signals are probably not suitable for this strip!
It’s just that he’s opposed to second hand cleansing smoke!
Where there’s smoke, there’s ire!
They have a mighty smart plan. 🙂
It worked in theory.
It’s Smokey, now they need the Bandit!
That’s a big ten-four!
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Sage humor indeed!
I think she may need a lot more sage!
well, maybe just a “smudge” more.
Haha, yes! Here’s smoke in yer eye, ZB!
She can also check the smoke detectors!
There’s no telling how many evil spirits might be hiding in those!
I thought it was a volcano science project.
That would work too! How many evil spirits want to hang around an exploding volcano?
Excellent work with Zombie Boy’s body language in the last panel. 😀
Thanks, Bill! It’s fun to let the pose tell the story.
Smoking is bad for your health Morgan
Zombie Boy is immune to health!
Oh yeah I forgot Zombie = Dead
It’s ok, old habits like living are hard to break…
Wow! I never realized sage would be so effective against Zombies… need to store that tid bit away for future reference if the zombie apocalypse comes!
You’re gonna need a LOT more sage, Jerry!
That’s some sage advice!
The sagest!
If they purge the house of evil spirits, wouldn’t that be like making Morgan’s relatives move out?!? …cause if it is, I’d like to book them for a little purging round here! [grin]
I have a few evil spirits in my family, too!
That sage is powerful stuff.
It smells good too!
Hey, burning hay works!
I know I don’t like to be around when hay is burning!
Smoked out of his own house! He should have put up no-smoking signs!
Something tells me that wouldn’t have stopped Claustria, anyway…
Do you have anything that will bring some spirit to the place?
Things will liven up, just let Claustria get in the house!
It stinks to have friends like that. Literally.
Stinks to high heaven, if you ask me!
I’m seeing some bad smoke signals here.
Some of those signals are probably not suitable for this strip!
It’s just that he’s opposed to second hand cleansing smoke!
Where there’s smoke, there’s ire!
They have a mighty smart plan. 🙂
It worked in theory.
It’s Smokey, now they need the Bandit!
That’s a big ten-four!