Fabulous fruity fun frozen flavor!
I’m illiterate when it comes to alliterations.
I’m more partial to grape, but my ice bones are already fully developed. 😉
Purple makes ’em burple!
There’s nothing like a bunch of slushed little monsters running around!
Good thing she didn’t offer them frozen margaritas!
They love it. Are they all gonna turn orange now? 🙂
Depends on how much they drink!
They’re like flamingos!
Only orange!
Orange slush… of course. And a York Peppermint Patty for desert.
Sounds like makings of some mighty good eatin’!
Whew, orange slush, a tad too close to yellow slush for my taste.
Gorr is not in this strip.
That comic is so sweet it will give us all a sugar buzz.
I’m just glad taste is not one of the senses we use to read comic strips!
That answers my question from long ago, it feels like that long. This may take awhile feeding each one at a time.
All good orange, slushy things come to those who wait, Ol’ Gui!
At least, you can tell when they’re full.
Great title, by the way! 🙂
Yeah, you can see right through those little guys! Glad you like the title, George!
The little snow monsters are so excited! If Solstice feeds them after midnight do they turn into Gremlins?
Maybe Solstice needs to check her spell book and see what is says about that…
my 3 year old daughter walked up while I was reading this and asked “what’s that?” I said “It’s a comic called Zombie Boy.” She said “it looks like they are Charlie Brown’s friends.” 🙂
Don’t know how to respond to that one, Mat… A very huge compliment from a very nice girl!
Normally, one would say, stick a fork in them, they are done… but its the stick that’s going to make tasty Popsicle’s out of them! [muah-HA-ha]
They’re little bites that bite back!
Do they get brain freeze? Or brain thaw?
They’re brains ARE freeze, Eric!
Feed them? I thought she was going to eat them!
They may be magical, but they’re not magically delicious!
Tom Falco took my comment & I can’t think of another one.
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Fabulous fruity fun frozen flavor!
I’m illiterate when it comes to alliterations.
I’m more partial to grape, but my ice bones are already fully developed. 😉
Purple makes ’em burple!
There’s nothing like a bunch of slushed little monsters running around!
Good thing she didn’t offer them frozen margaritas!
They love it. Are they all gonna turn orange now? 🙂
Depends on how much they drink!
They’re like flamingos!
Only orange!
Orange slush… of course. And a York Peppermint Patty for desert.
Sounds like makings of some mighty good eatin’!
Whew, orange slush, a tad too close to yellow slush for my taste.
Gorr is not in this strip.
That comic is so sweet it will give us all a sugar buzz.
I’m just glad taste is not one of the senses we use to read comic strips!
That answers my question from long ago, it feels like that long. This may take awhile feeding each one at a time.
All good orange, slushy things come to those who wait, Ol’ Gui!
At least, you can tell when they’re full.
Great title, by the way! 🙂
Yeah, you can see right through those little guys! Glad you like the title, George!
The little snow monsters are so excited! If Solstice feeds them after midnight do they turn into Gremlins?
Maybe Solstice needs to check her spell book and see what is says about that…
my 3 year old daughter walked up while I was reading this and asked “what’s that?” I said “It’s a comic called Zombie Boy.” She said “it looks like they are Charlie Brown’s friends.” 🙂
Don’t know how to respond to that one, Mat… A very huge compliment from a very nice girl!
Normally, one would say, stick a fork in them, they are done… but its the stick that’s going to make tasty Popsicle’s out of them! [muah-HA-ha]
They’re little bites that bite back!
Do they get brain freeze? Or brain thaw?
They’re brains ARE freeze, Eric!
Feed them? I thought she was going to eat them!
They may be magical, but they’re not magically delicious!
Tom Falco took my comment & I can’t think of another one.