A good day for a slide!
It’s the stopping part that’s the challenge!
The Ice Capades have two new stars.
It’s hard to follow a dog and bird act!
No brakes = panel breaks.
They’re going for broke!
Awesome stuff mate – I love ones where you play with the comic realities. Gorr is my fav character too 🙂
Thank you, Matthew! I always enjoy working outside of the boundaries of the four panel strip. And I enjoy working with Gorr, he always seems to surprise me.
Thee’s no comic panel ever been built that can contain Gorr’s awesomeness.
Ahh, thanks, Tony. Comic panels always tremble a little when Gorr is around.
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A good day for a slide!
It’s the stopping part that’s the challenge!
The Ice Capades have two new stars.
It’s hard to follow a dog and bird act!
No brakes = panel breaks.
They’re going for broke!
Awesome stuff mate – I love ones where you play with the comic realities. Gorr is my fav character too 🙂
Thank you, Matthew! I always enjoy working outside of the boundaries of the four panel strip. And I enjoy working with Gorr, he always seems to surprise me.
Thee’s no comic panel ever been built that can contain Gorr’s awesomeness.
Ahh, thanks, Tony. Comic panels always tremble a little when Gorr is around.