Ha! What a great visual!
Glad you like it, Gruhn!
Please do not disturb!
That would be pretty wild wallpaper!
That’s one big Z he’s having! Great comic Mark
I never saw that coming! 😉
If you ever sleep near a pug you will!
Gorr needs some breathe right strips!
Snoring animals are hilarious. Out cat snores so loud. Gorr better get up, it’s Halloween!
All that rumbling is making my teeth chatter!
He’s getting his Z’s for sure. He’s getting them all over the place.
Maybe Gorr has sleep apnea. He needs a CPAP machine
Gorr and my wife have something in common! [I need ear plugs!]
Gorr musta swallowed a few table saws
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Ha! What a great visual!
Glad you like it, Gruhn!
Please do not disturb!
That would be pretty wild wallpaper!
That’s one big Z he’s having! Great comic Mark
I never saw that coming! 😉
If you ever sleep near a pug you will!
Gorr needs some breathe right strips!
Snoring animals are hilarious. Out cat snores so loud. Gorr better get up, it’s Halloween!
All that rumbling is making my teeth chatter!
He’s getting his Z’s for sure. He’s getting them all over the place.
Maybe Gorr has sleep apnea. He needs a CPAP machine
Gorr and my wife have something in common! [I need ear plugs!]
Gorr musta swallowed a few table saws