And you thought bottle caps were just trash!
This is CAPtivating! 🙂
When life hands you a bottle cap, make a rink!
I’d say the fun is pretty well capped off!
Imagine what they could do in an Olympic sized pie pan?
Looks like they are having a blast!
They know a good time when they skate on it!
Polar ice cap!
In an easy to carry little container!
Skate a few laps around the cap!
Don’t mind if they do!
Does the imagination ever cease?!
I pray it never does, Gruhn!
Ice cap! Now I’m thirsty.
A day or night cap works for me!
Those little critters make the best out of everything!
It’s amazing what you can come up with when you don’t have internet or cable TV!
Fun all the way!!! Love the little bug upside down. Nice touch.
It made me smile when I drew that bug.
Aha!!! I didn’t realise it was a bottle cap until I saw Ben’s comment
That bottle cap is the gag topper.
I like how you did the shaded indentations on the side of the cap Mark.
I never realized how much detail is on a simple bottle cap until I actually had to draw one! Thanks, Matt!
Are they skating inside an over turned bottle cap? HAHA! Very creative!
Looks like a popular place, too! Thanks, Alexander!
Beautiful! I love the sensibility of this one.
Thanks, Brad! A bottle cap makes a perfect bug skating ring, don’t you think?
I love the little world inside a world you have here. Great imagination Mark 🙂
You’re one to talk, Matt, I’ve seen your imagination at work over at Jabaru Comic! The world can never have too much imagination!
Love that they’re in a bottle cap! they are tiny critters!
They’re the teeniest! It’s fun to come up with scale gags when the characters are so minuscule!
Sheer brilliance, Mark! I absolutely love this strip! :O)
Much appreciated coming from a master imaginator such as yourself, Joseph! Thank you, I’m happy you like it!
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This is CAPtivating! 🙂
When life hands you a bottle cap, make a rink!
I’d say the fun is pretty well capped off!
Imagine what they could do in an Olympic sized pie pan?
Looks like they are having a blast!
They know a good time when they skate on it!
Polar ice cap!
In an easy to carry little container!
Skate a few laps around the cap!
Don’t mind if they do!
Does the imagination ever cease?!
I pray it never does, Gruhn!
Ice cap! Now I’m thirsty.
A day or night cap works for me!
Those little critters make the best out of everything!
It’s amazing what you can come up with when you don’t have internet or cable TV!
Fun all the way!!! Love the little bug upside down. Nice touch.
It made me smile when I drew that bug.
Aha!!! I didn’t realise it was a bottle cap until I saw Ben’s comment
That bottle cap is the gag topper.
I like how you did the shaded indentations on the side of the cap Mark.
I never realized how much detail is on a simple bottle cap until I actually had to draw one! Thanks, Matt!
Are they skating inside an over turned bottle cap? HAHA! Very creative!
Looks like a popular place, too! Thanks, Alexander!
Beautiful! I love the sensibility of this one.
Thanks, Brad! A bottle cap makes a perfect bug skating ring, don’t you think?
I love the little world inside a world you have here. Great imagination Mark 🙂
You’re one to talk, Matt, I’ve seen your imagination at work over at Jabaru Comic! The world can never have too much imagination!
Love that they’re in a bottle cap! they are tiny critters!
They’re the teeniest! It’s fun to come up with scale gags when the characters are so minuscule!
Sheer brilliance, Mark! I absolutely love this strip! :O)
Much appreciated coming from a master imaginator such as yourself, Joseph! Thank you, I’m happy you like it!