Off-Color on September 16, 2015 Chapter: Comic Ever have one of those days when nothing seems to line up right?
All day, every day
24/7, 365… Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Comedicus!
My pleasure 🙂 Keep up the good work, and you’ll keep seeing me around!
Everything looks fine to me, of course I’m not wearing my glasses at the moment 🙂
Haw, I’m right there with you on that one, J.P.!
Seems like the story of my life.
Ha. love the look. Very retro.
Little off-register dots bring back a lot of good memories! Thanks, Tom!
Andy Warhol would approve!
His 15 minutes are still not up!
Woah! I’ll say, that is one cool looking color scheme!
Thanks, Bill. That color can’t contain itself!
Ok, Where did I leave my 3D glasses?
If you’re like me, you might be sitting on them!
They’re trapped on the back of a cereal box!
I currently feel like this.
Gorr. Do not eat those mushrooms in the yard anymore!
What’s the fungus in that?
I wish my Sunday paper did this good a job!
Not to mention all those ink smudges you get on your fingers!
When it comes to comics sir, you own the vintage, the classic and the classy of comic making! [I was not paid to say this– tips hat].
Someone failed registration!
My truck did too!
His plates must be misaligned!
A good session with a colorpractor might help.
A few degrees shift makes all the difference.
I agree with Jynksie. I was not paid to agree with Jynksie
I love the way this panel looks! <3
It brings back a bit of nostalgia of when i’d open up the sunday daily news (Colored on sundays!) and at times the strips were off colored like this. As always the Zombieboy strip continues to impress!
I just love the “dot” effect with the coloring. Just love it.
Thanks, Brad. Those big dots always say “comics” to me!
this looks great Mark! I wish I had thought of it!