Bombs away!!! At least he didn’t throw poop. I’ve heard they sometimes do that
That would be ok with Gorr.
Not only is that monkey a lot of fun, but sure comes in handy!
No barrel necessary!
Not sure if it’s deep enough to dive. Well, Gorr’s there, so it worked out.
Someone’s got to test the water!
Archimedes’ law of displacement. Sort of.
Is there such a thing as a Law of Displashment?
Seperation anxiety!
Two peas in an Antediluvian pod!
Very fun stuff Mark!
Thanks, Gruhn!
the best of friends
After a belly scratch, you better believe it!
Monkey wins the splash contest!
Size Splatters!
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Bombs away!!! At least he didn’t throw poop. I’ve heard they sometimes do that
That would be ok with Gorr.
Not only is that monkey a lot of fun, but sure comes in handy!
No barrel necessary!
Not sure if it’s deep enough to dive. Well, Gorr’s there, so it worked out.
Someone’s got to test the water!
Archimedes’ law of displacement. Sort of.
Is there such a thing as a Law of Displashment?
Seperation anxiety!
Two peas in an Antediluvian pod!
Very fun stuff Mark!
Thanks, Gruhn!
the best of friends
After a belly scratch, you better believe it!
Monkey wins the splash contest!
Size Splatters!