Float like a butterfly,
swing like a bee,
If our friend Bug Isn’t careful,
HE may need to flee!
Bee’s will sting,
they will leave a -Mark-
yet no ones -Stoke’d-
I’m rhymin yeh art!
[smirk] [kinda fizzled at the end there]
This guy sure has an exciting life for a glow worm! Thanks for your faith in the little guy, Rich! I wonder how many people would go for a bug spinoff?
One occupant per flower.
Not big enough for the both of us!
Hey! Ocupado!
Encontrar otra flor, hombre!
Geez, BEE, couldn’t you see the Occupied sign!
They don’t call them bumblebees for nothing!
Can’t a guy get a little petal privacy?!
Yeah, there’s got to be a thousand other flowers in this field for gosh sakes!
Look before you leap!
You think he would have seen the flower was full with those compound eyes!
That’s what you get for sticking your nose in the wrong flower.
Of all the flowers in the field, he HAD to pick this one!
Honey and butter sandwiches are the best!
Mmmm, honey and butter sandwiches…
Float like a butterfly,
swing like a bee,
If our friend Bug Isn’t careful,
HE may need to flee!
Bee’s will sting,
they will leave a -Mark-
yet no ones -Stoke’d-
I’m rhymin yeh art!
[smirk] [kinda fizzled at the end there]
Haw, haw! This is exceptional! I just printed this out and hung it over my computer. Robert Frost has nothing on the Jynks!
Yeh layin it on a little thick now Master Stokes! [smirk] Mr. Frost is an American Icon, I’m more the village idiot!
But Frost never put a (smirk) in any of his poems, did he? ‘Nuff said!
Hey, no pollinating my flower!
Especially not while I’m eating!
That had to sting a bit.
Mostly in the pride department!
No vacancy!
Move along, fella!
Well it didn’t have an Occupied sign!
See? It’s all just a very tiny misunderstanding…
Buzz off!
Don’t let the petal hit you on your way out!
Should’ve chosen the other flower…
Of all the flowers in all the fields in all the world, he buzzed into mine…
Give him a hive five
Hive five? Sounds like another t-shirt idea in the making!
He needs to really mind his beeswax. 🙂
And his earwax, too! Obviously he didn’t hear that flower was busy!
I think Zombie Bug needs a spinoff comic strip!
This guy sure has an exciting life for a glow worm! Thanks for your faith in the little guy, Rich! I wonder how many people would go for a bug spinoff?
Your table is not ready sir
Did you make a reservation?
Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger Flower!
And watch where you put those antennae, pal!