Total lower case writing really annoys me. I went through my wife’s phone & changed every entry in her phonebook to start with an upper case letter. She asked why I would do that. I told her it annoyed me. She couldn’t understand why because I never use her phone. Just knowing it was like that drove me nuts…
Lol, that’s so funny! I think there should be a good balance between upper and lower case. Too much and too little is not good! And keep your finger off that Cap Lock button, people!
I’ve always been more of a italics kind of fellow myself.
Do Italics move their hands a lot when they talk, too?
Yes, but only because everything is moving.
I guess it’s better than being an UPPER CASE TYPE. THOSE PEOPLE ARE SO ANNOYING!
I hate when people text all caps. IT’S SO ANNOYING! .
That guy is as irritating as his bulbous nose!
You don’t know the half of it, check this out.
e.e. cummings, k.d. lang… stanley fine!
he’s in good company.
Love that look of concentration on his face in the 1st panel.
He’s a determined little lower caser!
Even his #2 pencil is in the 99 percent.
He keeps his sights and letters low.
I love that nose.
That’s nice of you to say, Brian. I always think of his nose as some kind of vegetable, lol.
I think stanley did a good job. 🙂
Thanks Daniel. Look at his determination, you can tell he’s trying hard!
At least he’s modest!
modest with a little “m”.
therapy can sort that out
I guess we could all use a little therapy!
Total lower case writing really annoys me. I went through my wife’s phone & changed every entry in her phonebook to start with an upper case letter. She asked why I would do that. I told her it annoyed me. She couldn’t understand why because I never use her phone. Just knowing it was like that drove me nuts…
Lol, that’s so funny! I think there should be a good balance between upper and lower case. Too much and too little is not good! And keep your finger off that Cap Lock button, people!
I tend to think of myself in binary…
01000010 01110010 01100001 01101110 01100100 01101111 01101110
You weren’t named after a great uncle or anything like that were you? I was just wondering if that’s a family name? I’ve never heard it before, lol.
I hear that the Upper Case Faction is demanding a 50% Capital Letter Usage Policy for equality.
Those Upper Casers are always pushing for more! They’ve already got the beginning of each sentence, what more do they want?
I’ve always been a lean-to-the-left kinda guy. That may be because I’m left-handed, I suppose. 🙂
Hey George, so you draw with your left hand? I didn’t know that! I’ve always thought that was so cool. It’s fun to watch a leftie write or draw…
Serial killers all use lower case.
Since he didn’t sign Stanley Jefferson Fine, I’m not worried. What serial killer worth his salt would ever leave out his middle name?
Funny comic, Zombie Boy… I’ll check out some more later!
Thanks Dr. X! You’ve got quite the fun strip yourself! Appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment!
I’ve always been more of a lower case pen name, than an actual name myself! o.O [smirk] and a [wink]
My dad always said that all a man has is his name. I guess a pen name is as good as anything else!
Yeah, pen names are great fun! The strip is looking better and better Mark.
Thanks Leroy. Hey, I’ve been enjoying your videos, like your Icecubes Podcast Trailer. Looking forward to more!
what postmodern thinking! I missed a bunch of your comics due to school but now that it’s over I’m catching up on quality time =D
i’m glad you had a chance to catch up. you’re a capital cartoonist in my book, jenn!