The Zombie Boy Comics Kickstarter is FUNDED! Thanks so much to all of you who’ve contributed and helped get the word out! We’ve got just over TWO DAYS LEFT, and I’ve added a few Stretch Goals:

Goal #1: If we reach $8000, I’ll give everyone who has pledged for a book or higher the Kickstarter Exclusives 7″ x 10″ Gorr print (signed), the Zombie Boy postcard, and the Zombie Boy sticker.

Goal #2: If we reach $10,000 (never hurts to dream big), I’ll write and draw an original 8-page Gorr story and add it to the book. Also, I will illustrate a custom-made mini-poster which will be created from suggestions by all of you.


We’ve got TWO DAYS LEFT! Please keep pledging, sharing and spreading the word!