That is Gorr’s spot!
You better believe it!
It’s not the size of the dog in the party, but the size of the party in the dog!
Party on, Gorr!
There’s plenty of bones for all.
And then some!
Gorr is king of the mud pit!
It’s mud pits for some, and just the pits for others!
If you cant take the heat, get out of the center of the Earth!
Jules Verne couldn’t have said it better himself!
Be afraid, be very afraid
This mud hole ain’t big enough for the three of us!
I can see this happening with my dogs!
Personal space issues!
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That is Gorr’s spot!
You better believe it!
It’s not the size of the dog in the party, but the size of the party in the dog!
Party on, Gorr!
There’s plenty of bones for all.
And then some!
Gorr is king of the mud pit!
It’s mud pits for some, and just the pits for others!
If you cant take the heat, get out of the center of the Earth!
Jules Verne couldn’t have said it better himself!
Be afraid, be very afraid
This mud hole ain’t big enough for the three of us!
I can see this happening with my dogs!
Personal space issues!