I think I can…I think I can….I think I can….
I knew I could…I knew I could…
So cute as he puts his goggles on… 🙂
We can’t have any ice shavings up in our eyes, now can we?
Get ready, set, GO!!
Don’t need the green light, either!
He forgot his acorn crash helmet.
Acorn crash helmets are for the birds!
We have liftoff! WHEEEE!
Getting there is half the fun!
He needs a leaf blower to get up to the top.
That would probably put him in orbit!
He can just discard this toboggan when he’s done with it!
There’s plenty more where that came from!
That looked like hard work getting up there but the ride down looks like fun! Love the posture and expression on frame 3.
Thanks Wouter. The ride down made all the effort worth it!
It’s a hard climb to the top but it’s easy to fall back down. Very wise Mark.
Every bird has his Everest.
This has been a fun series. I guess that is how a bird would go sledding, isn’t it? They’re lucky in every respect.
Just imagine all those leafboggans just lying around for the taking!
It must have been hard to pick out this particular leaf, with so many to choose from!
And they come in so many great colors!
Life is full of ups and downs.
Best we can do is just try to hang on…
Leaf it to the bird!
Now you see what all the flap was about!
The 2nd panel is excellent. I love his look of determination! 🙂
To the victor goes the spoils, FT!
He’s sledding so where’s Calvin and Hobbes?
Those guys retired from playing in the snow a long time ago…
I hope his leaf has airbags???
It’s equipped with air dandelions.
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I think I can…I think I can….I think I can….
I knew I could…I knew I could…
So cute as he puts his goggles on… 🙂
We can’t have any ice shavings up in our eyes, now can we?
Get ready, set, GO!!
Don’t need the green light, either!
He forgot his acorn crash helmet.
Acorn crash helmets are for the birds!
We have liftoff! WHEEEE!
Getting there is half the fun!
He needs a leaf blower to get up to the top.
That would probably put him in orbit!
He can just discard this toboggan when he’s done with it!
There’s plenty more where that came from!
That looked like hard work getting up there but the ride down looks like fun! Love the posture and expression on frame 3.
Thanks Wouter. The ride down made all the effort worth it!
It’s a hard climb to the top but it’s easy to fall back down. Very wise Mark.
Every bird has his Everest.
This has been a fun series. I guess that is how a bird would go sledding, isn’t it? They’re lucky in every respect.
Just imagine all those leafboggans just lying around for the taking!
It must have been hard to pick out this particular leaf, with so many to choose from!
And they come in so many great colors!
Life is full of ups and downs.
Best we can do is just try to hang on…
Leaf it to the bird!
Now you see what all the flap was about!
The 2nd panel is excellent. I love his look of determination! 🙂
To the victor goes the spoils, FT!
He’s sledding so where’s Calvin and Hobbes?
Those guys retired from playing in the snow a long time ago…
I hope his leaf has airbags???
It’s equipped with air dandelions.