A few things I do know they’re thinking:
“If you’re not going to finish that snack, can I have it?”
“I need to go out!”
“How dare you eat that and not share it with me!”
“I’ve been standing here for a whole 10 seconds and you haven’t petted me yet! What’s a dog got to do to get some attention around here?”
“What personal space?”
HA HA. Oh Gorr, I’ve been ignoring you for far too long. My first trip back to Zombie boy in a few weeks and it’s Gorr as a Samurai, Hockey Player, and the Pope. 😀
I just visualize it, Roland. Anything is possible in your mind’s eye! Of course, sometimes it takes a lot of sketching to try to pin it down. Appreciate the nice comment!
I thought Gorr was very inspired! 🙂
You know when you visualize something in your head, but you just can’t match it in your art? That’s what I was going for…
You’re the LEAF BANDIT, you don’t need no stinkin’ inspiration!
Every great warrior needs a hobby.
He seems pretty inspired to me?! 🙂
Who knew leaves could be so useful?
Awwww. It looks like Gorr’s doing a good job to me.
You know how difficult artists can be!
Awwe, does Gorr need his belly wubbed?!? YES he does! YES he DOES! [scratch-scratch] …good boy! [smirk]
Have a happy turkey day sir Stokes!
Reading that brought a big smile to my face. I can just picture you and Gorr in my mind, Jynksie. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
What a great dog!!
Shake! Roll over! Fetch! Sculpt a statue of Abraham Lincoln out of leaves! Good boy!
The imagination of pets is the best. You never know what they’re thinking.
A few things I do know they’re thinking:
“If you’re not going to finish that snack, can I have it?”
“I need to go out!”
“How dare you eat that and not share it with me!”
“I’ve been standing here for a whole 10 seconds and you haven’t petted me yet! What’s a dog got to do to get some attention around here?”
“What personal space?”
Tell me about it Gorr. The Gulls have been flyin’ about with nothing to say.
As long as they say it, and don’t spray it!
Wow, and just imagine if he was inspired! 🙂
The Sistine backyard.
Aw Gorr, those disguises were fantastic! I cracked up at the Pope.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Happy you enjoyed Gorr’s art, Bill. Happy Thanksgiving to you, as well!
What’s not inspiring about a samurai warrior?
You can never have too many samurai leaf warriors!
In the 3rd panel Gorr looks like Garfield in a coat & hat. The Samurai is awesome. Wonder how he will go on a day when he feels inspired?
The sky (and his canine imagination) is the limit, Tony.
HA HA. Oh Gorr, I’ve been ignoring you for far too long. My first trip back to Zombie boy in a few weeks and it’s Gorr as a Samurai, Hockey Player, and the Pope. 😀
See what happens when you leave Gorr alone too long?
I’m inspired and perspired.
In Gorr’s case, his perspiration means he’ll get even more slobbery…
Yeah, those are pretty awesome, Gorr. Artist’s do tend to beat themselves up too much.
Artists are never satisfied. No matter how good their work might be, there’s always something wrong with it.
I bet he thinks he’s Leafzilla!
Don’t give him any ideas!
That devil-dog has more inspiration in his left dewclaw than I have in my whole body! Love it, Mark! :`D
Leaf sculpting is hard work! I think he deserves a treat! Glad you like it, Jande!
He deserves a “Best Leaf Leaf Sculpture” award! (or YOU do!) ;`D
Aww, that is so nice of you to say, Jande! I’ll make sure to give Gorr an extra doggy treat!
Now thats some creative leaf wranglin. 🙂
Leaf Wrangling could be a new art form!
This is just awesome, your picture storytelling is inspiring…
I just visualize it, Roland. Anything is possible in your mind’s eye! Of course, sometimes it takes a lot of sketching to try to pin it down. Appreciate the nice comment!
Wow! Gorr is a natural sculptor!
Digging and piling is something he’s really good at!
The Leaf-bandit returns!
He’s perennial like the seasons!
Gorr is a master of disguise! I laughed aloud at the third panel! :OD
No lead repertoire is complete without a pope costume!