Millipede hug!
A million hugs are better than one!
The longest hug ever!
From head to toe!
A lot of hugs on the way down!
It’s not for the ticklish!
I’d freak out from the creepy hands and probably smash the bug from too much panic.
It’s much easier to deal with if you’re an anthropod.
The big tickle hug.
I couldn’t stand it, I’m too ticklish!
Multi-tasking at its finest! Love ’em!
Multi-tasking is multi-easy when you’re multi-limbed! Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Liz, it’s good to hear from you!
How many hugs can one bug give?
Depends on how many arms it has!
Awesome. Que the xylophone!
Haw, that would be the perfect touch!
He was all up in arms!
And down in arms, too!
I went to swat a fly…. couldn’t do it. What-have-you-done-to me with these buggy stories?!
Gandhi would be proud!
Watch those hands, mister!
There’s a million more where those came from!
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Millipede hug!
A million hugs are better than one!
The longest hug ever!
From head to toe!
A lot of hugs on the way down!
It’s not for the ticklish!
I’d freak out from the creepy hands and probably smash the bug from too much panic.
It’s much easier to deal with if you’re an anthropod.
The big tickle hug.
I couldn’t stand it, I’m too ticklish!
Multi-tasking at its finest! Love ’em!
Multi-tasking is multi-easy when you’re multi-limbed! Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Liz, it’s good to hear from you!
How many hugs can one bug give?
Depends on how many arms it has!
Awesome. Que the xylophone!
Haw, that would be the perfect touch!
He was all up in arms!
And down in arms, too!
I went to swat a fly…. couldn’t do it. What-have-you-done-to me with these buggy stories?!
Gandhi would be proud!
Watch those hands, mister!
There’s a million more where those came from!