The locals are testy!
An unwelcome wagon with very large, sharp teeth!
Run little giant guy! Run!
Perspective can be a terrifying thing!
Ooooo, he picked up some “friends!”
“Friends” might be stretching it a bit, Julian!
The land before time but not the land before anxiety!
Anxiety was discovered before fire and the wheel!
And now the real mud-slinging begins!
A good time is not being had by all, Binky!
Exercise motivation. Run guys run!!!
Shed those tons fast the dinosaur way!
Mr. Popularity!
That ain’t no paparazzi!
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The locals are testy!
An unwelcome wagon with very large, sharp teeth!
Run little giant guy! Run!
Perspective can be a terrifying thing!
Ooooo, he picked up some “friends!”
“Friends” might be stretching it a bit, Julian!
The land before time but not the land before anxiety!
Anxiety was discovered before fire and the wheel!
And now the real mud-slinging begins!
A good time is not being had by all, Binky!
Exercise motivation. Run guys run!!!
Shed those tons fast the dinosaur way!
Mr. Popularity!
That ain’t no paparazzi!