Lick it up Fuzz Ball!
He’ll be happy to!
I think that’s a “win/win”?
It works out alright for Boog and Gorr!
Nasty. When i read the first panel, I read it as “Stanley, look at the fine mess you…” I thought, that’s very Laurel and Hardy. Oh course i re-read it…
Gross is not a word in Boog’s vocabulary, P.J.!
That’s the best way to clean up the floor, why not the face?
There wasn’t even a crumb on my floor with Poojie around!
Gorr comes in quite handy. 😉
And tonguey, too!
Gorr’s all purpose face wash and plate scraping service 🙂
Not a speck of food will ever be left on face or plate!
And it’s done lickety split! Or maybe lickety spit.
Respect the Tongue!
Face off! Kiss off!
As long as it’s off, it’s all good!
Great Cleaning Kisses! Gorr sure ‘loves’ Boog!
He also loves the peanut butter sandwich all over Boog’s face!
That’s how we do it at our house!
He’s got that problem licked!
Works for me!
Gorr could do the Dishes too
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Lick it up Fuzz Ball!
He’ll be happy to!
I think that’s a “win/win”?
It works out alright for Boog and Gorr!
Nasty. When i read the first panel, I read it as “Stanley, look at the fine mess you…” I thought, that’s very Laurel and Hardy. Oh course i re-read it…
Gross is not a word in Boog’s vocabulary, P.J.!
That’s the best way to clean up the floor, why not the face?
There wasn’t even a crumb on my floor with Poojie around!
Gorr comes in quite handy. 😉
And tonguey, too!
Gorr’s all purpose face wash and plate scraping service 🙂
Not a speck of food will ever be left on face or plate!
And it’s done lickety split! Or maybe lickety spit.
Respect the Tongue!
Face off! Kiss off!
As long as it’s off, it’s all good!
Great Cleaning Kisses! Gorr sure ‘loves’ Boog!
He also loves the peanut butter sandwich all over Boog’s face!
That’s how we do it at our house!
He’s got that problem licked!
Works for me!
Gorr could do the Dishes too