I’m really excited to publish this strip. I’ve been working on it for a few weeks. It was a real struggle – how do you make a turkey look monstrous and towering and also represent the hallowed first Thanksgiving? It was a bit overwhelming. I went through a lot of sketches and it wasn’t until I started looking at pics of dinosaurs that I started to find my way. It’s weird the similarities between a T-Rex and a turkey!

Actual size of my thumbnail sketch
I’m also posting my thumbnail sketch along with the art. The smaller pic is the actual size of the sketch I drew, I ended up enlarging it on a copier and using that to finalize the drawing.
Great thanksgiving comic! hehe. 🙂
Thanks so much, Daniel! I love your Thanksgiving strip, too!
Awesome Gobblezilla Mark. You did a great job of him & the colouring on his head & neck is especially effective. Turkey Rex!!!
Zombie By’s rendition is much more exciting than how it really went
I just get sick of hearing the same old Thanksgiving story. Thought I’d shake it up a little. Thanks for your nice compliments, I really appreciate them, Tony!
Good work deserves nice compliments Mark & your work is always 1st rate
Thanks so much Tony. It really means a lot coming from someone whose work I admire as well.
Oh me, oh my… I can tell why you were so excited to post this. Very well done!
Thanks, Brad. I appreciate you coming by to check it out.
I’ve seen some huge turkeys before, but this truly is one for the books! Great strip Mark, nice layout and just really fun to look at!
It’s a ten ton Tom Turkey! Thanks for the kind words, Tim. Hope you and yours have a great Thanksgiving!
Thanks, Colm! Now you know the real Thanksgiving story.
*steps out of his time machine* thats EXACTLY how it went
See! Zombie Boy was right! People shouldn’t complain that they’re tired of eating turkey after Thanksgiving, because in the early days those pilgrims were tired of the turkey eating them!
Best. Zombie Boy. Ever. 🙂
Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Smith. I’m glad you liked it.
Seriously, turkey leftovers for months if you can bring that bird down.
With some proper smoking, that bad bird could be several years’ worth of jerky!
Also, incredible strip. Well done Mark.
Thanks Brandon. I put a lot of work into this one.
Lol… I second JE on this! I guess Miles Standish didn’t stand a chance in this version!
And he thought the Massachusetts indians were bad news…!
It’s like a delicious version of Rodan!
I feel sorry for whoever has to put the stuffing in that monster! “Stuffing brigade, step forward!”
To the victors go the spoils of how to rewrite history.
Yeah, it’s funny that way. I guess those mammoth turkeys went the way of the Dodo, and the native Americans those pilgrims shared their thanks with.
Hi Mark, love this strip! First panel would make an awesome movie 🙂
Thanks Marieke. I was thinking “movie scene” when I drew it! Thanks for visiting, I appreciate your nice comments! I like your work at Monster Issues. We monster makers gotta stick together!
And lo the giant killer Turkey did unite the Pilgrims and the Indians…what was left of them anyway.
And the survivors didst partake upon the enormous birdly beast, and all was well upon the good earth.
Awesome holiday comic. The first panel reminds me of my family haha
Geez, don’t invite me over for Thanksgiving, Aaron!
This is the origin I’ll tell my children about!
Haha. It’s a much better version than that boring Plymouth Rock story….
An original idea, and great execution! The whole story would make a great picture book.
Wouldn’t that be a good book to read in front of an elementary school class! Thanks for the nice comments, Binky!
Now that is a Turkey!
With a capital “T”!
The Indians didn’t even get spared from that. I see now that what we’ve dug up really aren’t dinosaur bones after all. 😀
I think we may be on to something. Somebody needs to contact the Smithsonian!
…okay, I now get your tweet! [I’m the blinking light on your christmas tree. I only have moments of being bright, but I’m at least fun to watch.]
Now thats an angry bird! Well done! … you could have a new holiday movie on your hands with this one panel! Think “Pet Cemetery” but with turkeys. [gobble-gobble]
I can’t help but think that Turkey Lurkey is a direct descendant of that monster gobbler!
Great job sir! Perfect float for next year!
Now that’ll liven up the Macy’s Day Parade!
I knew it!
Thanks for sharing the sketch.
Someone needed to let the world know the truth! I’m glad you liked the sketch, Hjortur!
First panel shows so much movement and action! And how did we start eating turkey? =P
The real question is… how did turkey start eating us?!!
Started laughing before I read a word. Great stuff.
Glad you liked it Jerome. Thanks for coming by and commenting!
Good answer! I am so glad my children know better than to ask such things 😉 Happy turkey day.
I prefer Zombie Boy’s version. Those pilgrims needed a little spark in their dreary lives. Happy T-Day, Red, thanks for stopping by and commenting!
The Terror of TurkeyTown takes revenge! Hilarious, Mark!
That’s one unhappy turkey
It’s Turkeygeddon!