“Gorgosaurus” was renamed by paleontologists to “Albertasaurus”, yet another in a long tradition of changing a cool dinosaur’s name to something stupid (I’m always going to use “Brontosaurus”, so don’t any of you give me that “Apatosaurus” crap!…er, coprolite).
They both share a devious, sinister grin. I noticed that.
Twin sons from different species.
Great dino drawing Mark, love it. I’m with Zombie Boy, I like him too.
Thanks Becky. You draw a pretty mean dragon yourself!
I have a soft spot for the fanged creatures myself!
I have a soft spot for your fanged creatures, too, Tim. My neck!
I feel that this fossil has a super bad idea to rule the world XD
Oh, if he was more than just a skeleton, how we would pay!
Same dentist.
Can you imagine the halitosis?
He’s very likeable! Or at least his skeleton is. 🙂
If a monster that big is smiling at you, he’s probably imagining what side dish he wants to eat with you!
He does have a nice smile. It didn’t end how I initially expected. Before I got to the 2nd panel I was expecting Gorr to come steal a few bones.
Who says he didn’t? heh heh…
So, I have to ask, do their smiles qualify as a [smirk] or a [grin]?!? [smirk]
Those are grins. As far as I’m concerned, Jynksie has the trademark and copyright on [smirk]ing!
Gorgo has excellent teeth for being millions of years old.
Those are dentures.
I should have known!
Yeah, and they don’t actually go with that dinosaur. Those are false teeth for a Spinosaurus, guess they figured no one would notice…
Makes you wonder what that T-Rex was doing when he died!
It must have been fun, that’s a 450,000,000 year old smile!
I can see a reanimated dinosaur pal in his future.
Shhh, don’t give Morgan any ideas, Mike! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
I like the gorgosaurus too! *grins monstrously*
And you’re someone who knows a thing or two about monstrous grins, Marieke, lol!
ahh the childhood dreams to ride your own t-rex into bloody battle and victory with loads of beer…. ok EXTENDED childhood 😛
Saddle and bridle them T-Rexs! Everybody mount up, we’re moving out!
Gorgosaurus’ teeth are in good shape, except they could use some teeth whitening
Somebody needs to get a power brush!
“Gorgosaurus” was renamed by paleontologists to “Albertasaurus”, yet another in a long tradition of changing a cool dinosaur’s name to something stupid (I’m always going to use “Brontosaurus”, so don’t any of you give me that “Apatosaurus” crap!…er, coprolite).
What’s next? They gonna call the terrifying Gigantosaurus, the Reallybigosaurus or maybe Ginormousaurus?
You took the one word right out of my mouth.
Oooo! I like the devious grin!
Which one?
That grin is hilarious! I should start using it myself.
Be my guest, although I don’t condone filing your teeth!
I wonder if they have the same dentist XD
If they do, that dentist has been in busy for a looooonnng time!