Thanks, George. I was hoping that it would go over. Word play can be daunting. If you’re like me you can spend hours angsting over the order of two words, lol. When I’m in a word crunch, the best thing to do is walk away from it and come back to it later. Things seem to fall into place with time.
I like the twist-around on that statement. 🙂
Thanks, George. I was hoping that it would go over. Word play can be daunting. If you’re like me you can spend hours angsting over the order of two words, lol. When I’m in a word crunch, the best thing to do is walk away from it and come back to it later. Things seem to fall into place with time.
I agree with George. She doesn’t have much left to chew. The big hotdog bite you miss out on today is the one you may never catch up on tomorrow
You aren’t what you don’t eat.