Castle Hassle
This gag was inspired by my good friend, Tony McGurk, the inventive comedy genius behind The Tasmanians, some of the funniest comics on the web. Tony made a comment about this strip: “I can just picture the Truggs bursting up from beneath the sand to pay homage to their King and wrecking the castle in the process,” which became the catalyst for this strip. I’m really satisified with the punchline of this one, and it’s all thanks to Tony’s brilliant comic mind. Thanks, Tony!
You don’t see too many demons at the beach nowadays.
And just look at his sunburn!
That could have been avoided with a good sunscreen!
Oh WOW!!! Awesome Mark. My thoughts have traversed far & wide across the seas & materialised at the point of your pencil. Love it.
Gorr truly is a great King. And Truggs are the best sand castle builders of all time.
And thank you for your kind words. It means a lot & is very encouraging when accomplished cartoonists as yourself say such things.
There’s nothing I can say that can match what you do, Tony. Your brilliance speaks for itself, and I’m a big fan!
My pencil was possessed by the Power of McGurk!! I’m so glad you like it, Tony, I couldn’t wait to show it to you! The whole time I was drawing it, I was imagining your reaction when you saw it, lol.
Great strip, Mark! Thanks to Tony for the inspiration! 🙂
Thanks, Tim. You never know where inspiration will strike, I know you understand (25th high school reunion anyone?). Being surrounded by some of the brightest cartoonists in the world helps!
Gorr conquers all! I really like this one 🙂
The King now has a real castle! I’m glad you like it, Julian!
Finally, a constructive use for demon power!
If there’s one thing that a Trugg is good at, it’s building big things!
Now that is a sweet sand castle! Think I can get some demonic help next time I take my boys to the beach?
Truggz can be a bit unruly. Just make sure you bring Gorr along and everything will be fine.
Fun stuff as always, Mark! I love those Truggs!
Thanks, Matt. Trugg strips are always fun to do, I’m glad you like ’em!
who’s the boss. 🙂
And who’s the construction engineer?
I hear the newly built Trugg Towers have a devil of a time getting willing occupants! …ya, know, besides Gorr and his posse![smirk]
Trugg Towers, haha, love it! And you know they’re a seasonal time share, as in gone at the next tide…
Tony has a brilliant mind…shh don’t tell him that. It might go to his head.
I agree. Tony is a highly skilled cartoon master. I bet he even dreams in cartoons.
Doesn’t everybody??? Do you mean there are peopl who don’t dream in cartoons????
Those that don’t aren’t real people.
I wonder if cartoon characters dream in real life?
I was about to go & make a coffee but my head won’t fit through the kitchen door now 😛
I always have a devil of a time maintaining my sand castles!
Never build a castle on sifting sand!
They could probably rent that sand castle out for the season… Gorr could become rich!
If only Trugg Towers could last past the week…!
Hahah WTG, Tony! I had a similar mental image when I read Tony’s comment earlier, Mark. Looks like Tony made everyone happy. PS, I want a sandlcastle just like that one. (starts thinking about making one from candlewax and melting sand into it…)
Tony has a way of doing that! I think a wax/sandcastle would be awesome, Jande!
That might be a fun place to play! Love the beach comics!
I’m glad you like ’em, David. I like to draw them, too!
I always try to put myself in his shoes.. But I would still be screaming lol.. He’s got confidence for sure.. He didn’t even let that demon distract his plans lol.. Awesome strip!!
Since Gorr is the undisputed King of the Truggz, he’s got nothing to worry about. If you’d like to see how he became king click here, then follow the story for the next two strips.
Gorr is no joke! I gotta couple ppl he could straighten out for me.
They don’t call him King for nothing!
I sure wish I was at a beach party with Truggs…
Haha, that would be a Monster party!
Go Gorr! GO!
He’s the leader of the pack.
Now that’s a Sand Castle!
You can say that again!
I’m glad to see Gorr set this guy straight, or else I might have too.
That’ll teach him to poke his horns where they don’t belong!
Just read all your comics in one sitting. I’m hooked. You’ve got yourself a new reader!
Glad I could meet you at Strip this weekend!
Wow, you read the whole archive, what an honor! It was a pleasure meeting you as well! I love your work and humor, and I’ll always have a special appreciation because you hand draw too! Thanks for stopping by and for leaving such a nice comment, Elia!
Oh, Gorr. He almost makes me wish Demons would invade the surface world. It would be the most adorably apocalypse ever.
As long as Gorr keeps ’em in line, the Apocalypse will be contained. I’m just glad Gorr’s on our side!
Every king needs a good castle. 🙂
Nothing says sand castle like an actual size sand castle!
Nice team work.
Mostly Gorr confiscated (as in dug into) a sculpture that was already there!