My dog steals every scene he’s in too, Joseph! I’ve been struggling to find the right ending on this tale. I truly hate syrupy, and it’s been tough finding the right balance. It makes me happy you like it!
Wrapping this story up has been a challenge, Jande. I both want and don’t want to end it, I’m really having fun! I only have to think of how Pooj looks at me when I have to leave the house each morning to find that expression of loss. The fact that it touches you means so much.
As a big time Gorr fan I love that second panel! Awww…..
I struggled with that pose and expression, Tim, I’m glad it worked!
Awwwwwwww! Shucks!
I’d kick a rock, if one was close…
Spring is springing (so they say) and all ice monsters must travel back where it’s cold.
Mark again, great perspective on the first panel!
To every thing there is a season, Bill. And time’s up for snow monsters this year! Thanks a lot about the perspective, just fudging…
Awe, I sense the love.
Gorr just has something in his eye…
This story is melting my cold heart 🙂
For cold-hearted, you’re one of the warmest people I’ve ever met, J.P.!
Spring is on the horizon.
That’s not a good thing for snow monsters!
How could resist that panel 2 face?
I sure can’t. I buy lots of doggy snacks because of that!
Once again, Gorr steals the strip!
My favorite is the last panel where everybody is friends. I love happy endings. Now I gotta somehow work that into my comic! :OP
My dog steals every scene he’s in too, Joseph! I’ve been struggling to find the right ending on this tale. I truly hate syrupy, and it’s been tough finding the right balance. It makes me happy you like it!
Sometimes it’s fun to pour on the syrup, I think! If you overdo it, it’ll look comical :O)
Or too sappy, something I really dislike!
The cold never bothered me anyway….
It could be your nerve cell receptors are stimulated by signals other than temperature, Carlos. Are maybe they’re just stubborn!
Awwww, love it!
Really appreciate that, fellow monster maker!
I guess it’s better he goes now before he goes to nothing.
It’s hard to hug water!
A real tear jerker.
Crying ice water tears!
They grow up so fast don’t they?
Once minute you’ve got icicles hanging out of your nose, the next you’re an ice monster as tall as a small mountain…
Aww, Mark. That brought a tear to my own eye! I totally agree about the second panel. How can anything with so few calories be so sweet! <3
Wrapping this story up has been a challenge, Jande. I both want and don’t want to end it, I’m really having fun! I only have to think of how Pooj looks at me when I have to leave the house each morning to find that expression of loss. The fact that it touches you means so much.
Hey, I’ve seen that symbol somewhere before…! 😉
Awwww… friends now
You know it!