Enjoy the ride, Gorr! 🙂
Getting there is half the fun!
Who’s a good space boy? Who’s a good space boy?
All space pooch ships are equipped with a standard belly rub machine.
Gorr could get his head knocked off by an asteroid!
I feel sorry for any asteroid that gets in his way!
Dogs just can’t resist putting their head out the window! 🙂
Vacuum or no vacuum!
Warp Flapper Twelve, Mr. McGurk!
As long as he doesnt get ship sick!
That could go from bad to much, much worse!
You are on such a role here Mark! I’m loving this!
Thanks, Denny! I never knew drawing a space adventure could be so much fun! (You, my friend, are the expert on this subject. No one does it better than you!)
Breathtaking! Literally!
Haha, you got that right!
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Enjoy the ride, Gorr! 🙂
Getting there is half the fun!
Who’s a good space boy? Who’s a good space boy?
All space pooch ships are equipped with a standard belly rub machine.
Gorr could get his head knocked off by an asteroid!
I feel sorry for any asteroid that gets in his way!
Dogs just can’t resist putting their head out the window! 🙂
Vacuum or no vacuum!
Warp Flapper Twelve, Mr. McGurk!
As long as he doesnt get ship sick!
That could go from bad to much, much worse!
You are on such a role here Mark! I’m loving this!
Thanks, Denny! I never knew drawing a space adventure could be so much fun! (You, my friend, are the expert on this subject. No one does it better than you!)
Breathtaking! Literally!
Haha, you got that right!