Brilliant! Warm sun, soft sea-breeze, salty smell of the ocean, sea birds squawking, coconut scented lotion, and the powdery sand between your toes… Wow, Mark! You certainly know how to pack it all in! I’m feeling it!
Wow, it’s amazing what a few lines and color can do, Joseph! I know you just got back from the beach yourself, so thanks for the very nice words! Guess we better enjoy the last few weeks of summer while we can!
My first impression was…
“Oooh, look at all the colorful umbrellas…”
Then I got to the firefly and started laughing out loud. Yes Mark, today you created a laugh out loud moment for me. And it’s not the first time! 😉
A work of Art, Mark! Hey that rhymed. 🙂
A day at the beach is fine art, David! Thanks!
The little firefly deserves a great day at the beach after the space travelling, great!
He’s back on Earth and ready to relax!
Brilliant! Warm sun, soft sea-breeze, salty smell of the ocean, sea birds squawking, coconut scented lotion, and the powdery sand between your toes… Wow, Mark! You certainly know how to pack it all in! I’m feeling it!
Wow, it’s amazing what a few lines and color can do, Joseph! I know you just got back from the beach yourself, so thanks for the very nice words! Guess we better enjoy the last few weeks of summer while we can!
Good work! That is really nice to look at. Highly impressive!
Thanks so much, Eric. I guess I’m trying to squeeze that last bit of summer out of my colors lately.
That bug is smart to use his sunscreen!
Nothing worse than bug burns!
My first impression was…
“Oooh, look at all the colorful umbrellas…”
Then I got to the firefly and started laughing out loud. Yes Mark, today you created a laugh out loud moment for me. And it’s not the first time! 😉
Glad I could help, Bill! A good hearty laugh is good for the soul. I like to try to have one at least once a day.
There is a little something ironic about a firefly using lotion not to get burnt.
Great storytelling
Suntan lotion is a lifesaver for some species. Especially me! Glad you liked it, Joe!
You were right, Mark. Summer sure isn’t over!
That’s the great thing about comics. It could be summer forever!
Summer is already fading here! I’m so sad, but this comic made me happy! 🙂
I feel the same way, Chris. I’m hundreds of miles from any coast, so drawing these strips takes me away for a bit.
Toasty !
What? No marshmallows?
I love how you laid this one out, Mark! Beautifully done!
Thanks, Tim. I like comparative size strips, the contrast is always fun to draw.
Any deeper and you’ll be underground!
I’m sure next to Zombie Firefly there is a zombie ant & a zombie ameoba
I draw the line at the sub-atomic level.
You’d need a very fine point pen to draw that line
I don’t think they make a Micron pen that size…
If they did you’d need a very steady hand
You’d have to be some kind of cyborg to handle an instrument like that!
That bug has the proper respect for the Sun and its harmful rays.
Yes, he’s using BPF (Bug Protection Factor) 30!
Beautiful. Really beautiful.
I appreciate that, Gruhn. I’m trying to hold on to summer as long as I can!
Even bugs need their day at the beach.
Bug beach therapy!