What she lacks in hand to eye coordination, she makes up in anger-vision. Thanks for noticing all the little touches, Joseph, this strip took me a while to do!
I wish I’d known this sooner. My girl wanted a prize and I could not get it, and believe me, the game made me mad enough to do it, had I known that I could…
Would love to see Claustria vs. Lily in a staring contest on How I Met Your Mother. Daggers vs. Fire Eyes. Epic battle to the burned retinas! Bring a whole new level of weird for the final season.
Not even festive colored balloons are safe from Claustria’s dagger eyes! :OP
I love the action and colors, Mark. And the dark skull cloud is a great contrast to ’em! :O)
What she lacks in hand to eye coordination, she makes up in anger-vision. Thanks for noticing all the little touches, Joseph, this strip took me a while to do!
My mom used to have the same affect on me and my brother. Quite weird to watch us *pop*
My mom could level a room with a look like that!
“Ocular Ginsu”!
She slices, she dices, she cuts you down to size!
Ha! And oddly enough I first saw Kenny Loggins at the State Fair.
He didn’t have an eye dagger in the back of his head, did he?
Ah…. if only.
Aim high, shoot low!
I hope he gives her the prize she wants…for his sake!
She’s got her eyeses on all the prizes!
Can she teach ME how to do that? Theres a few things I’d like to pop and deflate in this world o’mine!
All you gotta do is look sharp, Jynksie! And don’t point your peepers at just anybody unless you’re prepared to use ’em!
Can you say “get some glasses ” boys and girls?
You should see what she can do to an eye chart!
Frustration at close range!
I’m just glad she’s not far-sighted!
Can you still win a bear by using eye daggers?
From the looks of things, I doubt anyone would argue with her, Mat!
That’s a fun start to the week! Brilliant new webcomic! That’s a good way to win the prize at the stall!
Nothing says Monday like a full-retinal dagger assault! Thanks, Paul!
Not sure what she’s mad about, I think she won just about every prize! 🙂
There’s no fury like a witch girl scorned…
Watch out, she’s got daggers out for you!
When she darts you a glance, you better duck!
More powerful than darts!
And a lot sharper!
Yikes! I guess looks CAN kill after all. 🙂
I’m just glad she wasn’t wearing glasses!
Never date someone with that kind of power
And if you do, never, ever make her angry in your brand new sports car with the leather interior!
If looks could kill. . . well I guess hers can!
What doesn’t pop you makes you stronger!
I wish I’d known this sooner. My girl wanted a prize and I could not get it, and believe me, the game made me mad enough to do it, had I known that I could…
Eye daggers are in all of us, Nef. Cartoon characters just take them to the next level!
I’m pretty sure the darts they give you for that game are about as sharp as the balloons themselves.
But what good is a dart without a point…ohhhh, I get it…. Crafty, ain’t they?
Would love to see Claustria vs. Lily in a staring contest on How I Met Your Mother. Daggers vs. Fire Eyes. Epic battle to the burned retinas! Bring a whole new level of weird for the final season.
That would be a titanic event to witness, Judy! My retinas are trembling just thinking about it! Appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment!
How’s he gonna be able to take all those huge plush animals home?
If Claustria had aimed a bit higher, there wouldn’t be anything left to TAKE home!
The power of magic. 🙂
Angry, angry magic!
What a wonderful superpower!
She aims to displease.
Don’t let Claustria take her dagger eyes into the giant blowup castle!
Haha, that could be disastrous!
Claustria’s eyes are more deadly than the darts. I wouldn’t wanna upset her
She’s got a sharp tongue, too!