An ink blot that drools a lot!
Drool is the rule, Tim!
Now, they’re just jumping to conclusions…
Pretty imaginative for a bug brain, though…
The origins of Gorr revealed!
You can’t believe everything you hear from a bug, Michael!
HA! Lost in translation! Gorr has come to reclaim his leaves! :OP
Inter-species comedy writing is a tough job, Joseph!
I can attest to that, Mark! And you do it so well and make it look easy – but it’s not!
That’s awful nice coming from a perspective maestro! You push that perspective envelope waaay out there, Joseph!
Gorr looks too cute in the last panel! 😀
I can draw that face with my eyes closed I see it so often!
The circle of respect.
It’s well-rounded!
Gorr has powers unknown to us all.
Apparently,it’s new to him, too!
A situation really depends what perspective you’re coming from and you’re the master of showing perspective!
Even though they’re little, I try not to look down on my characters. Thanks about the perspective, Gruhn, it’s mostly guess work because I hate drawing grids!
Grids are too rigid. I want to live off-grid! :OP
Ditto, Joseph!
Gorr came from a Shriner slug?
That’s just one bug’s opinion!
So when will he sprout wings and turn into a butterfly?
Pigs will have to fly first, Dave!
Sometimes it pays to see things from a different perspective.
And having compound eyes helps in getting that different perspective, too!
LOL, no one has said it, but that must be a gypsy moth!
Chubby little guy, isn’t he?
Surprise! GORR!
I’m surprised Gorr didn’t eat that leaf.
Analyze That? Is Deniro going to make a guest appearance?? haha
I think a bug version of DeNiro would be a hoot.
Gorr does look a bit grub like in the 3rd panel.
I guess in a bug’s point of view, he does!
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An ink blot that drools a lot!
Drool is the rule, Tim!
Now, they’re just jumping to conclusions…
Pretty imaginative for a bug brain, though…
The origins of Gorr revealed!
You can’t believe everything you hear from a bug, Michael!
HA! Lost in translation! Gorr has come to reclaim his leaves! :OP
Inter-species comedy writing is a tough job, Joseph!
I can attest to that, Mark! And you do it so well and make it look easy – but it’s not!
That’s awful nice coming from a perspective maestro! You push that perspective envelope waaay out there, Joseph!
Gorr looks too cute in the last panel! 😀
I can draw that face with my eyes closed I see it so often!
The circle of respect.
It’s well-rounded!
Gorr has powers unknown to us all.
Apparently,it’s new to him, too!
A situation really depends what perspective you’re coming from and you’re the master of showing perspective!
Even though they’re little, I try not to look down on my characters. Thanks about the perspective, Gruhn, it’s mostly guess work because I hate drawing grids!
Grids are too rigid. I want to live off-grid! :OP
Ditto, Joseph!
Gorr came from a Shriner slug?
That’s just one bug’s opinion!
So when will he sprout wings and turn into a butterfly?
Pigs will have to fly first, Dave!
Sometimes it pays to see things from a different perspective.
And having compound eyes helps in getting that different perspective, too!
LOL, no one has said it, but that must be a gypsy moth!
Chubby little guy, isn’t he?
Surprise! GORR!
I’m surprised Gorr didn’t eat that leaf.
Analyze That? Is Deniro going to make a guest appearance?? haha
I think a bug version of DeNiro would be a hoot.
Gorr does look a bit grub like in the 3rd panel.
I guess in a bug’s point of view, he does!