I remember that for some odd reason, 6 seemed significant…bc/ it was the age for 1st grade, maybe? Kind of like getting one’s White Belt – entry level, but a “belt” none the less…
Yes six does seem to be a significant number. Especially when you’re five! Birthdays always seem so glorious until you hit about 12, or about the time you can’t Trick or Treat anymore, and then they sort of taper off after that.
Well she’s not patient. Throw the ball!
Patience is not a competitive sport!
Apparently he’s good at math too!
When it comes to his birthday countdown, his mathematic skills push genius levels!
Second by second you’ll get there, Boog! 🙂
He’s already 759,654 seconds closer than he was 211 hours ago!
Approximately how many nose picks is that?
Some numbers may be inascertainable, Jim!
When I was a kid I used to do this, but by the time I finished the math, the seconds count was already obsolete.
Humans were never meant to be atomic clocks!
A math whiz before the age of six. Look out first grade teacher, you’re about to get schooled!
Unfortunately, his math genius only applies to his birthday…
Future accountants of america
It all adds up, Gruhn!
Haha! The countdown really re inforces just how patient he is! No ones counting here lol great stuff Mark!
I stopped counting quite a few birthdays back, Matt.
Being six is a wonderful age and I hope I stay six for life.
I’ve been six almost 9 times already!
I remember that for some odd reason, 6 seemed significant…bc/ it was the age for 1st grade, maybe? Kind of like getting one’s White Belt – entry level, but a “belt” none the less…
Yes six does seem to be a significant number. Especially when you’re five! Birthdays always seem so glorious until you hit about 12, or about the time you can’t Trick or Treat anymore, and then they sort of taper off after that.
Well he’s a good counter at least!
His analysis on the construct of birthday time borders on genius.
He needs an app for that!
Appy Birthday!
Neurotic, but patient. yes indeed!
Neurotic is as neurotic does, Jynksie!
Those were the days when you couldn’t wait until your next birthday and now they pass by at the blink of an eye!
I choose to ignore them the older I get, Enrique.