This window is getting slightly crowded!
Two’s company, eleven’s a crowd!
Heavens to Betsy, Mark, they’re multiplying before our eyes. Puppies, puppies everywhere.
Puppy power!
That’s a lot of extra drag.
Kind of takes the joy out of tongue flapping!
In the words of Primus “Too many puppies!”
These puppies are not dressed up sharp in suits of green, though.
Let’s just hope they don’t all get car sick.
That would be an entirely different kind of strip!
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This window is getting slightly crowded!
Two’s company, eleven’s a crowd!
Heavens to Betsy, Mark, they’re multiplying before our eyes. Puppies, puppies everywhere.
Puppy power!
That’s a lot of extra drag.
Kind of takes the joy out of tongue flapping!
In the words of Primus “Too many puppies!”
These puppies are not dressed up sharp in suits of green, though.
Let’s just hope they don’t all get car sick.
That would be an entirely different kind of strip!