Ain’t No Tree High Enough!
The Zombie Boy Comics Kickstarter is now 72% FUNDED with NINE DAYS LEFT! Thanks so much to all of you who have contributed, I really appreciate your support! All contributions are welcome, and if you can help spread the word that would be horribly wonderful of you! LET’S GET THIS BOOK FUNDED!
There Isn’t a single family-friendly comment [smirk] I can say here, so I’ma just gonna act like a tree… and leave! [woof]
Your restraint is Herculean, Jynksie!
With a little kamikaze sprinkled on for good measure!
Ain’t no bush that’s low enough… keep him away from ew….
Ewww got that right!
Be afraid, be very afraid!
There’s always a little anxiety right before the wetting.
When it rains, it “Gorrs”! 😉
Haha, that would be a fun slogan on a coffee mug!
Don’t discriminante, alleviate!
He’s down with oh pee pee!
Ha, ha, that’s brilliant! 😀
Glad you approve, Paul!
The end is near!
Grab some paper towels quick!
Gorr appreciates watering the trees of the world, one at a time.
He’s got a yellow thumb!
That’s a scary Halloween comic!! As scary as they come!! 🙂
Tremble to your roots!
That’s pretty powerful stuff!
This time DO sweat the small stuff!
Naplam cannot compete with Gorr. One sprinkle and that Bonzai is fried!
Hazardous waste comes in all colors!
uh oh
He’s shaking in his roots!
He likes to spread himself around!
Nothing escapes his yellow peril!
and the moral is, grow up big & strong or you get widdled on! Ace comic Mark, the last panel made me chuckle 🙂
Bonsai plants are beautiful, but don’t overwater them! I, ahem, know from personal experience… Glad you liked it, Matt!
If this pattern holds, Gorr is going to need a magnifying glass to find the next tree! 🙂
Poor little tree!
Go for it Gorr. BANZAI!!!
Forget divine wind, how about divine wave?