Self-doubt and anxiety are common denominators among creative people. Seems these things go hand in hand. In the end I think the only thing that matters is what we accomplish, not what we could or should have done if only those little doubts and fears hadn’t crept up. It’s very heroic of us to smite those fears down not only to do the work, but to share it with others. Creating is a process, and for me, overcoming those feelings is part of that process. Few of us ever look at something creative we really admire and think: “I wonder what the creator had to overcome to put this work together? Did they doubt themselves? Were they paralyzed by their own insecurities?” Did Michelangelo ever have “one of those days”? After all is said and done, none of those things matter much, do they? It’s the work that says it all.
It’s in the creative DNA!
Wise words indeed. Thanks Mark!
Many times I’ve let insecurity paralyze me and it really sucks. Thankfully, good things can happen even when self-doubt is your co-pilot. Getting past the fear and getting things done is a much better way to spend your time.
It’s often difficult to overcome our own doubts. We are usually our own worst critics.
I know there’s a part of me that is never happy with anything I do. It could have been better, the colors are boring, look at that awkward drawing, it goes on and on. Fortunately, when you stop dwelling on how it could have been better and focus on the moment of creating, somehow things get produced. And maybe, when enough time passes you can see things a bit less critically because you forgot why you angsted about it in the first place!
I guess we always can see room for improvement, but I don’t know why we are so harsh on ourselves. When I look at your art, I always see the work of a true professional.
I appreciate your kind words, Peter. It doesn’t matter how long you do something, that little self-doubt comes along with you at every stage in your art life. It’s hard to shut it up, but best to keep going in spite of it.