Crazy Cartoon Experiment #7
on January 1, 2015
Crazyverse creator, Jon Esparza recently conducted the seventh installment of his famous Crazy Cartoon Experiment and this time around, Zombie Boy and crew got to participate. This Experiment had a “Turn Your Characters Into a Demented Parade Balloons” theme and it included many wonderful creators amongst its contributors. I thought a Gorr balloon might make a fun parade balloon and put this piece together for Jon. To see all of the CCE #7 art click here.
Follow Jon on Twitter: @JonsCrazyTweets
I bet Gorr’s ego is inflated now.
Talk about a swelled head (along with everything else)!
I’m expecting them all to lift off & float away. Up Up & away!!!
It won’t be the first time Gorr has taken them for a ride!