My Birthday Card from Jande Rowe
on September 18, 2014

Aedre and Zombie Boy by Jande Rowe
My lovely and talented friend and colleague, Jande Rowe, she of Aedre’s Firefly and Wheeler’s Orbits fame amongst numerous other creative endeavors, graced me with this wonderful drawing for my birthday (which was Sept. 15). Aedre gives Morgan a little cauldron cake, and I LOVE the little wishbone through his nose! Thank you most kindly, Jande! I love this! To see more of this creative diva’s work, visit her website, Eccentric Orbits.
Very cool! Please allow me to offer a belated Happy Birthday! Isn’t it fun growing old?
It has its compensations, David. ;`D
I never knew what “Mother’s Little Helper” Mick Jagger was singing about until just recently! Thanks, Davo!
It really is my pleasure, Mark. You do so much for the community and you’re a really sweet guy.
How can I not be when I’m surrounded by such gracious and giving friends and colleagues? Thanks so much, Jande, this is a very special gift!
How can I not be when I’m surrounded by such gracious and giving friends and colleagues? Thanks so much, Jande, this is a very special gift!