Zombie Boy by James Stowe
on October 29, 2013
If you don’t dig this drawing of Zombie Boy and Gorr by James Stowe, you need to have an eye exam! James is the creator and orchestrator of Sidekick Quests, an exquisitely drawn and adventuresome blend of webcomics and RPGs! Sidekick Quests posts every Monday, often with RPG content you can purchase and download. I adore James’ work, he has a style so fun, so vibrant and colorful, you just have to stare at it! Check out his site and watch his Ustream videos, it’s a blast watching him work!
Follow James on Twitter: @jamesstowe
I love it, Mark! Great work, James! 🙂
Fantastic line work! I really like it. 😀
ZB’s facial expression is priceless!
Great style! Nice work James
Thanks everyone for the kind words. ZB and Gorr were a blast to draw. I really love Mark’s comic and I am glad I had a chance to make this.
James, you knocked it out of the park with this one! I really appreciate you taking time to do it, I honestly can’t stop looking at it! You really have a unique affinity for line and color!
That’s really cool. Love the text and the over sized Gorr.
Awesome! And cool comic 🙂