Gorr n’ Gulls
on July 16, 2013
Say, who’s that devil dog on the beach? My pal Jack drew Gorr in one of his recent Gulls Comic strips, and you can see it here! Gulls Comic is one of the most unique strips on the web. Jack has hatched a truly original comic about a group of gulls, Marty, Willy, Nerd Bird, Flip, Abe, Brodie, and Suzie, which he posts six days a week at Gulls Comic. Thanks, Jack, it’s a real honor!
It’s always cool to see how other cartoonists translate your characters! This one was really fun to see!
Yea, Tim, I think Jack’s work is really sensational. It was such a nice surprise to see his version of the devil dog!
Not even comic panels can stop him!
I think he busted out of one of my panels and ran over to Gulls Comics!
I’ve already read this one. Jack did such a great job on Gorr it looks like a strip you could’ve drawn Mark.