Gorr by Francesca Testen
on November 15, 2012

Gorr Strip by Francesca Testen
One of the most enthusiastic people of my “Curse” strips has been 12-year old wunderkind Francesca Testen, the amazing and talented creator behind the online comic, The History Twins. Francesca, along with her equally talented and supportive father, Robert, collaborated to produce their own “Curse” strip which I am delighted to share with you. FT began The History Twins to express her creativity in words and pictures, but also to raise awareness and money for The National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation. Go by and visit Francesca’s site, The History Twins, and be prepared to witness a blossoming toon genius.
You can follow FT on Twitter: @thehistorytwins
That is very cool, Mark. Good work, Francesca! I loved the cursing story line as well. 🙂
Boy I need one of those #@*$# things. Good job Francesca
FT brings the funny! Well done! 🙂