Thank you, Dana! Originally I was going to have the bug characters sitting on the backs of bees hovering around the flower and with an orchestra inside, then the lightning bug idea came in and I changed it to a smaller jazz band. Funny how these things evolve…
Lovin’ the mustache! Jazz mustache wins!
Thanks, Mr. Wolf! This isn’t the first time Stache has directed the band:
A perfect place for a concert!
The sweet smell of music!
The one jug bug band has a summer night concert 🙂 What and eye full!!
You can see what all the buzz is about!
I bet they opened with Rimsky Korsakov’s The Flight of the Bumblebee.
So,that’s why fire flies are able to light up!
So classy in their little bow ties, too!
Just put your tu-lips together and blow!
Orchid-stral music!
Gorgeous as usual! And I LOVE the firefly spotlights! ^-^
Thank you, Dana! Originally I was going to have the bug characters sitting on the backs of bees hovering around the flower and with an orchestra inside, then the lightning bug idea came in and I changed it to a smaller jazz band. Funny how these things evolve…
Love the tiny jazz hat on the horn player!
I just wonder where does a bug get one of those?
Love the cricket!
He’s got legs, and knows how to use them!
That fly with the trumpet just blew the wrong note…
He says he plays by ear, but flies don’t have ears!
A new bug band! Well the Beatles names is taken. LOVE this one, your bug strips are so much fun!
I love making them, Rich, especially the ones where all the bugs are together. I’m glad you like ’em!