Just got back from the Dallas Webcomics Expo, it was a blast! I attended DWEX! last year, and this time around was just as fun. I ran into Jonathan Caustrita, an old acquaintance of mine, and got to meet his family. Jonathan is one of the co-founders of this Dallas event, and has his own comic strip, Tiki Coladas. I met some great webcomickers, including Rebecca Hicks and her husband, Andrew who create a fun comic called Little Vampires www.little-vampires.com, discovered a charming comic by the charming Samantha Wikan www.witchytech.com/lifesawitch, and Barry Buchanan and his wife and crew who produce the semi-biographical www.dontfeedthegeek.com. Also a highlight was meeting Joel Watson www.hijinksensue.com an amazing guy with such a giving personality, both with his hilarious comic strip (M-W-F) and his practical business advice to anyone with a question. And finally I met the talented Josh Boulet www.joshuaboulet.com, and picked up a copy of The Wrong Night in Texas, a graphic novel about werewolves, five years in the making, written, illustrated and designed by Josh. It looks amazing, I haven’t read it yet, but I know it will be a good read. You should visit Josh’s site and check out his work.